Delphi Settlement in Arxios | World Anvil
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Center of the Kingdom

Delphi is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Stopstalk; And it sits higher than any other settlement in Arxios, serving as a beacon to the rest of the Kingdom.


Delphi is chiefly governed by the Sovereign of Stopstalk, Queen Leto. She employs a council of advisors that see to the more detailed affairs of the city.

Points of interest

Castle Delphi

Home of the royal family.

Viva Theatre and Conservatory of the Arts

Popular theatre attached to a school of fine arts and bardic magic.

Hecater School of Magic and Mystics at Delphi

The main campus for Arxios' premier school of arcane studies, the Hecater School of Magic and Mystics. The Delphi campus is the first and largest in the realm. Students who pass the rigorous entrance exam go on to become great wizards; Serving in the Stopstalk Military, or advising a Barony Court, or conducting self-directed research at the school as professors are all fantastic career paths for young mages. 
In addition to wizardry studies, the school helps innately gifted magic users learn to harness and control their powers.


The rivers that flow through Delphi once ran deep underground, creating networks of tunnels and caverns that twist and turn throughout the rock beneath the city. Guided tours take groups of tourists through the upper portion of the tunnels, giving lectures on history and geology. The lower levels of the catacombs are sealed off, due to being largely unexplored and potentially dangerous.
Royal Catacombs. The tunnels directly beneath Castle Delphi house the graves of Stopstalk's royalty. They are sealed off from the rest of the tunnels.


Much of Delphi's architecture is made from the same stone as the mountain on which it sits; Giving it the appearance that the city is shaped from the mountain itself. Buildings are reinforced and gilded with copper and gold accents crafted thanks to the affluent mining operations in the north city.


Delphi is built on a massive mountainous shelf that extends south from the Frozen Mountains. Its altitude and limited access make the city easily defendable. 

Delphi itself sits on a lake within the mountain, fed by multiple glacier rivers from the north. The surrounding walls of the mountain reach as high as the roof of Castle Delphi, shielding it from harsh alpine winds and creating a warm, humid biome.

Natural Resources

Delphi pulls an incredible amount of metal out of the mountain it is built on. It is fed by the surrounding farmland below the cliffs, as well as imports from the land of Deepsummer.
Founding Date
1 CE
Tens of Thousands
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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