The Kiln Geographic Location in Arxios | World Anvil
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The Kiln

The Kiln is a wide, circular caldera that parts the towering Bolcan mountains down the middle. Its structure and location between two active volcanoes create a natural hotspot, giving the valley its name.

Dwarven Forges

The Kiln is flanked by two towering volcanoes: named Thalia (west) and Aglaia (east) by their dwarven denizens. The massive dwarf cities ruled by Clan Ashhand line the walls of the valley, and extend deep into the two mountains. Some rumors say that the fathomless mines of the Kiln reach all the way to the Underdark.


The Kiln is formed from hardened volcanic clay, called Bentonite. It is formed by the ash of the flanking volcanoes mixing with water from the rivers that run through the valley, and being hardened over centuries of pressure.

The Kiln is the only pass through all of the Bolcan mountains that is wide and safe enough for caravans, making it the sole trade route for any folk wishing for trade in and out of Arxios. This geography places Clan Ashhand in a powerful position, being able to control all trade into the province. The benevolent dwarves have insofar not abused their position, placing no blockades or embargoes. It is enough to know that neighboring kingdoms fear the grave consequences that come with invoking Ashhand's wrath.

Fauna & Flora

Though a volcanic valley may seem inhospitable, there are many creatures that have adapted to thrive in the harsh environment. 
Ash-Trodden Flamingoes make their homes near rivers, stomping in the soft ashen sand that gave them their name. Vampire Ground Finches prey on these flamingoes as well as larger birds of prey in the higher reaches of the mountains, getting their name from their feeding habit of drinking the blood of other birds, pecking with their sharp beaks to draw blood. Bolcan Land Iguanas love absorbing heat by resting on the volcanic rock, and get moisture from the cacti that grow out of cracks and crevices in the valley walls.

Natural Resources

Clay harvested from the Kiln has many uses, from construction all the way to skincare. Bentonite face masks are especially exfoliating.
Mountain Pass
Location under
Owning Organization


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