Tila Contrus Mana Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Tila Contrus Mana (She/Her)

Tila Contrus- Mana

Tila Contrus-Mana is a member of Delphi nobility. Her family, the House of Mana, has been a contributor to Delphic society from the beginning of Stopstalk's reign.

Mental characteristics


Tila studied at the Viva Conservatory of the Arts, achieving her Bard's Degree in both Anthropology and Theology. Since inheriting her family's estate, she has become a major sponsor of the school, specifically to the historical faculty.


Contacts & Relations

Tila is a member of the Candleholders Society; A collective of influential delphites dedicated to the research and preservation of Arxios' ancient history.
Current Location
Year of Birth
858 CE 41 Years old
Viva Mori (Animite)
Aligned Organization


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