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Occupying the center of Isliari, Elunore is the kingdom of the Elves. To the west is the empire of Kondai, to the north is the dwarven land of Olmir, and the south is bordered by the ever dangerous Great Swamp. It has a vast port system on its eastern coast, and is on good terms with both Kondai and Olmir. The elves have spent lifetimes devoted to nurturing the country's trees, which they call home. Travelers from Edore are often taken aback by the sheer size of the ancient elven forests.


The country is run by a parliament who is elected by the votes cast by the populace and its representative. It is the most advanced and progressive government in the known world and prides itself on putting its people before all else.

Demography and Population

As the elven nation, the primary demographic is Elves, however immigrants from Olmir and Kondai occasionally settle down. There is also a minority race in Elunore, the Greenlings live all throughout Elunore, though they are more densely located in the south.
Forest Rays by Lee Maxime
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Neighboring Nations

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