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No one is quite sure what sort of goblinoid elves might have found appealing or even compatible enough to sire children with, but between its fine elf-like features, green skin, and two stomachs it is impossible to deny what this race's parentage is. A relative minority in Elunore, the greenlings (or demi-goblins as they are often called) live in harmony with the elves. They are skilled workers in most any field they pursue and are often quite courteous. The older elven scholars believe that the greenlings might even have decended from some form of self-"domesticating" goblinoid, that saw survival through inter-breeding, which would explain why their goblinoid parentage is seemingly unknown.

Basic Information


Like all goblinoids, greenlings have two stomachs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Greenlings grow at a relatively quick rate, reaching adulthood around fourteen years old. They have a long lifespan of around 120 years and will be considered at peak physical fitness from roughly the age of twenty to ninety, after which they will degrade into old age over the course of the next thirty or so years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like most goblinoids greenlings are incredibly adaptable and will eat most anything they are given. As most call Elunore their home, the majority of greenlings survive on plant-matter like their elf ancestors.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Fine, elven features with slightly more notched ears and sharper teeth. Greenlings tend to have slightly more robust proportions as well.

Average Intelligence

Greenlings have slightly above average intelligence, but are not quite as intelligent as elves.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

They dress more practically than elves, with less frills and bright colors. Greenlings enjoy traveling through the trees near the Great Swamp and often dress in mottled tones to camouflage themselves.
Elf Warrior by Sbalac
Genetic Ancestor(s)
120 years
Average Height
5 feet 2 inches
Average Weight
115 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Greenlings, as their name gives away, are always a shade of earthy green.

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