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One of the oldest races on Ashaia, the Spriggan typically seclude themselves within the Wildwood or Witchwood. The Spriggan are the most in tune with nature of all the races on Ashaia and their body reflects this by undergoing changes like the seasons. When struck with a particularly strong emotion such as rage, joy, or depression the spriggan's body changes to match this accordingly.

Basic Information


Similar to the Elves of Isliari, the spriggan are lithe and limber, if not a little more sturdy. They are generally taller and sturdier than the elves, signifying their stronger natural connection. A spriggan's skin and hair resemble bark and leaves. Any wings the spriggan may have are leaflike or frondlike, and every part of a spriggan has a distinctly plantlike look that changes with its shifting seasons. It is light green in early spring, yellow during the summer. In autumn, it turns orange or red like a deciduous leaf. In the winter, it is an icy blue.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Spriggans live almost exclusively off plant matter, and are able to live for a period of time without food through a minor form of photosynthesis. Some spriggan will occasionally eat meat and most are not opposed to the thought of eating it.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Thin, natural.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Spriggans tend to stay in the Weirdwood, as they are naturally in-tune with all things natural it is hard for them to live in cities.

Average Intelligence

Spriggans are slightly less intelligent than humans, hardly noticeable, but they do tend to think similarly to the Silph, their closest cousins.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Spriggan names are typically Cornish.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

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D&D 3.5e

Spriggan Traits

Spriggans possess the following racial traits.
  • Type: Fey
  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma.
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, Spriggans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • A spriggan's base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Plant-Like Body: A spriggan is immune to poison and sleep effects. It has a +2 bonus to saves againsts paralysis, polymorph, stunning, and mind-affecting spells and abilities (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale affects).
  • Low-light vision.
  • Damage Reduction 5/Cold Iron.
  • Natural Armor +4.
  • Proficient with simple weapons and any bow.
  • A spriggan has a +4 bonus on Hide checks and Move Silently checks in aboveground natural environments.
  • Shifting Seasons(Ex): See BelowSpell-Like Abilities (Su): See Below
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Draconic, and Gnoll.
  • Favored Class: Druid.
  • Level Adjustment +3

Shifting Seasons

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Each spriggan has four distinct personality states, one for each season, that they shift between when they experience powerful emotion.  


The season of peace and goodwill, when summer’s harvest is shared with all. Spriggans adopt this personality when overcome with contentment.  

Autumn Personality Trait

  • If someone is in need, you never withhold aid.
  • You share what you have, with little regard to your own needs.
  • There are no simple meals, only lavish feasts.
  • You stock up on fine food and drink. You hate going without such comforts.

Autumn Flaws

  • You trust others without thought.
  • You give to the point that you leave yourself without necessary supplies.
  • Everyone is your friend, or a potential friend.
  • You spend excessively on creature comforts.


The season of cheerfulness and unfettered celebration, marked by merriment as winter’s sorrow passes. Spriggan enter this state when overcome with joy.  

Spring Personality Trait

  • Every day is the greatest day of your life.
  • You do everything with enthusiasm, even the most mundane chores.
  • You love music and song. You supply a tune yourself if no one else can.
  • You can't stay still.

Spring Flaws

  • You overdrink.
  • Toil is for drudges. Yours should be a life of leisure.
  • A pretty face infatuates you in an instant, but your fancy passes with equal speed.
  • Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.


The season of boldness and aggression, a time of unfettered energy. Spriggan enter this state when overcome with fury.  

Summer Personality Trait

  • You believe that direct confrontation is the best way to solve problems.
  • Overwhelming force can solve almost anything. The tougher the problem, the more force you apply.
  • You stand tall and strong so that others can lean on you.
  • You maintain an intimidating front. Better to prevent fights with a show of force than be led to harm others.

Summer Flaws

  • You are stubborn. Let others change.
  • The best option is one that is swift, unexpected, and overwhelming.
  • Punch first. Talk later.
  • Your fury can carry you through anything.


The season of dolor, when the vibrant energy of the world slumbers. It is a time of sadness and regret, entered when spriggan are overcome with sorrow.  

Winter Personality Traits

  • The worst case is the most likely case.
  • You preserve what you have. Better to hunger today and have food for tomorrow.
  • The world is full of dangers. You never let your guard drop.
  • A penny spent is a penny lost forever.

Winter Flaws

  • Everything dies eventually. Why bother building anything that is meant to last?
  • Nothing matters to you, and you allow others to guide your actions.
  • Your needs come first. In winter, all must watch out for themselves.
  • You speak only to point out the flaws in others' plans.

Spell-Like Abilities

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A spriggan with a Wisdom score of 8 or higher gains spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice, as indicated on the table below. The abilities are cumulative; for instance, an 9th-level spriggan (9 HD) can use entangle once per day, summon nature's ally II once per day, speak with plants three times per day, and summon nature's ally IV once per day. Caster level equals the creature's HD, and the save DC is Charisma-based. In addition to these, an spriggan is able to cast certain spells depending on which season it is currently in, these abilities are listed under the Shifting Seasons Spell-Like Abilities, but follow the same rules as the spriggan's Spell-Like Abilities.  

Basic Spell-Like Abilities

1-2 Hit Die

Entangle 1/day  

3-5 Hit Die

Summon Nature's Ally II 1/day  

6-7 Hit Die

Speak With Plants 3/day  

8-10 Hit Die

Summon Nature's Ally IV 1/day  

11-12 Hit Die

Command Plants 1/day  

13-15 Hit Die

Summon Nature's Ally VI 1/day  

16-18 Hit Die

Animate Plants 1/day  

19-20 Hit Die

Summon Nature's Ally VIII 1/day  

21+ Hit Die

Command Plants 1/day and Summon Nature's Ally IX 1/day  

Shifting Seasons Spell-Like Abilities

Autumn Spell-Like Abilities

1-9 Hit Die

Purify Food and Drink at-will  

10+ Hit Die

10+ Heroes' Feast 1/day  

Summer Spell-Like Abilities

1-9 Hit Die

Flare at-will  

10+ Hit Die

Bull's Strength, Mass 1/day  

Spring Spell-Like Abilities

1-9 Hit Die

Dancing Lights at-will  

10+ Hit Die

Irresistible Dance 1/day  

Winter Spell-Like Abilities

1-9 Hit Die

Ghost Sound at-will  

10+ Hit Die

Undeath to Death 1/day
Spriggan (Autumn)
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
950 years
Average Height
6 feet 2 inches
Average Weight
185 lbs.
Average Physique
Strong, but lithe.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Changes with their emotional season.

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