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The Arcane Order

The Arcane Order, or simply: the Order, is the organization devoted to monitoring and enforcing the use of arcana across Ashaia. The Order is made up of three parts: the eight Highmages, the five magical emissaries, and the Archmage.  

Nine Edicts of Magic

When Ashaia was young and magic was untamed, there was no governing body or laws over what magic could be used for. However, after it had been refined into a tool that could be harnessed for devious ends a special council was formed to govern it. This council was formed of the most talented mages from each school of magic and one archmage to manage the balance between them all. Each of these mages penned a law to protect the world from untapped arcana.
The Nine Edicts each prohibit something that the original Highmages held dear to themselves. Many scholars believe that the Illusionist who penned "thou shalt not impersonate the dead" did it to spite the Necromancer. A belief that has caused much strife between practitioners of the two schools. Devout historians, however, now believe that the Necromancer and Illusionist were married, both being staunch followers of the White Knight and illustrious lady Titania, respectively.
These nine laws are considered irrefutable, unchangeable, and supreme above all things to the Arcane Order. Violation of a code is considered grounds for execution without trial, a practice which the church often intervenes in. An arcanist who violates one of these laws willingly is known as a dark mage, and branded as a fugitive by the Order, to be brought before them at once.
  1. The Abjurer's Edict: Thou shalt not ward unholy grounds.
  2. The Conjurer's Edict: Thou shalt not consort with demons.
  3. The Diviner's Edict: Thou shalt not gaze upon the future that will be.
  4. The Enchanter's Edict: Thou shalt not destroy precious memories.
  5. The Evoker's Edict: Thou shalt not wantonly game with other's lives.
  6. The Illusionist's Edict: Thou shalt not impersonate the dead.
  7. The Necromancer's Edict: Thou shalt not animate the holy.
  8. The Transmuter's Edict: Thou shalt not alter an innocent's form against their will.
  9. The Archmage's Edict: Thou shalt not violate one's own edict.


The Highmages are the most talented and powerful mages of their respective school, they vote on matters at hand and carry out sentences if need be. Most of the Order's activities are secretive and not well known to the public, however each highmage is well known. Recently, there has been a shakeup in the community, with both the highmages of Transmutation and Divination being defeated and replaced with new and more talented spellcasters.
  • High Abjurer:
  • High Conjurer: Ali Baba, a male, Bazaarite human.
  • High Diviner: Alwyn Dramriel, a female elf from Isliari.
  • High Enchanter: Dominique Morgan, a female, Altrian human.
  • High Evoker: Ezra Firecaller, a male, Pukiri ./li]
  • High Illusionist: Esmeralde, a female Dia-Dhampir.
  • High Necromacer: Goethe Marlowe, a male, Altrian human.
  • High Transmuter: Gunnhild Skallagrim, a female dwarf from Olmir.


Shrouded in much mystery, the Archmage is known for penning the Prospero Arcanica, a book detailing the laws of magic and how they interact with the world. The material is so dense and complex, however, that only the most skilled of mages can begin to understand it at length.  


Along with the Highmages and Archmage there are smaller groups that have a seat on the council. These groups hold more of a political seat and are there simply to maintain uphold the mental safety of other magical groups, ensuring that no scheming goes on among the council. These groups are:
  • The Dragons: As creatures of powerful magic, the dragons hold a seat on the council, though are not terribly engaged.
  • Druidic Circle: A representative of the drudic council always attends the meetings, though it always seems to be a different Spriggan that represents them.
  • Enclave of Sorcery:
  • A powerful sorcerer attends, as the laws of magic affects them. However, there is no real organization and the "Enclave of Sorcery" was a title invent by the Arcane Order to help alleviate any alienation of sorcerers by the Order.
  • Holy Order: A representative of the White Knight's church, usually a Cleric or Paladin of the order, always attends when able.
  • Witch Hollow's Coven: No one knows well what is going on with the witches of Witch Hollow, but a young girl always attends in an over-sized witch hat. Their leader never attends, always providing some poor excuse as to her absence.
Guild, Mages
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