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Shalia Grispira (Shal-lea Gris-peer-ah)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A beautiful, albino tiefling that has a perfect hourglass shape. Her movements are fluid like that of a cat and she walks in a way the accentuates her features.

Facial Features

Her face is somewhat angular but soft so that she appears kind. Though if she is angry the angular features almost become more prominant.

Identifying Characteristics

Snow white skin Blue-black hip length hair

Apparel & Accessories

She has two ear piercings in each ear but in her right ear she also has a cartilage piercing and there is usally a delicate chain that attaches the cartilage piercing to the highest piercing in her earlobe. She has a few rings on her hands and generally wears a necklace and some bracelets.   When working she is dressed in nice silk gowns of the highest fasion but when relaxing she is found in robes and the occassional tunic and trousers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shalia was born in Mearquet, Bashamar in 819. She had a poor childhood though was well loved by her parents. One summer night her village was attacked by a dragon. It burned everything to the ground. Her father passed away trying to help her mother and Shalia escape. Her mother was badly burned but was able to Shalia to Barkenburgh before she passed away. Shalia was taken in by an orphanage but being a tiefling, and an albino one, she was frequently picked on and when she was 11 she left the orphanage and began working.   She worked odd jobs that were not always the safest but at least got her some money though she lived on the streets. As she started to come into her body she learned of another way she could make money around the age of 16. Searching around she found a house of pleasure that was not the most upstanding but listening to rumors she learned it would at least support her and be safe for her. She learned the ways of a courtesan and found easy work at this house.   She worked at this house for five years before she became pregnant with Thymeros. Though she was not sure who the father was. Wanting a better life than what she had for her son she took her savings and set out for Miran in Anaria where she heard rumors of a more upstanding house of pleasure. She swiftly got a job there but was allowed to take the time needed to have her child. The previous owner, unable to have children herself, was happy to help Shalia raise him. This house was not only upstanding but alos considered a refuge for those that needed help getting on their feet.   As the previous owner decided to get out of the business she deicded to make Shalia her heir and she handed over the business to her. Shalia worked hard and turned the two story brothel into a four story home, inn, tavern, and brothel. She kept the same beliefs as the previous owner and treats the business as a refuge for those that need help or a way to get on their feet. No one is ever signed into service permanantly, though if they wish to stay afterwards they may do so.

Gender Identity





No formal education but she is very streetwise, charasmatic, and a master of secrets due to the business she works in.


Matron of the House of Simple Pleasures

Mental Trauma

From her childhood she still posses a debiltating fear of dragons.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is highly intelligent and quick witted.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes in helping others so long as they have an interest in helping themselves.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to help others as she has been helped in the past, especially by the previous owner of this establishment.


She is always clean and lightly perfumed.


Contacts & Relations

Motley Mess


Family Ties

Thymeros Grispera- Son

Parents: Deceased


She has a light accent from Bashamar but the more "regal" way of speaking in Miran as largely covevered it.


She has a soft somewhat sultry voice that is natural.


Shalia Grispira

Mother (Vital)

Towards Thymeros Grispira



Thymeros Grispira

Son (Vital)

Towards Shalia Grispira



Wealth & Financial state

Not considered upperclass but she is wealthy and has done very well for herself.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Running a tavern, inn, and brothel
Date of Birth
7th of Stylph 819 PM
Current Residence
House of Simple Pleasures
Solid deep blue eyes
Bluish black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White as snow skin
Known Languages




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