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Thymeros Grispira

Thymeros Grispira

Devilishly handsome, fiendishly intelligent, and inhumanly dangerous tiefling marksman from Miran. Once a sailor aboard an icebreaker, and thus having employment year-round, now a freelance gun-for-hire.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thymeros is tall with a slender build, but still of above average strength (albeit not much above average).

Body Features

Like all tieflings, Thymeros has a pair of horns on his head. Rather than sweeping back like most tieflings' horns would, Thymeros' horns curl like a ram's horns might. Pointed ears, all four canines are fangs, tail is as long as he is tall, eyes are a solid silver color.

Facial Features

Pointed ears, all four canines are fangs, eyes are a solid silver color, face is as free of hair as a turtle's shell, without the help of a razor.

Identifying Characteristics

Thymeros has over a dozen nautical-themed tattoos, with designs on several more, as well as some piercings.

Physical quirks

When his tail is not wrapped around some portion of his body to keep it out of the way, it serves as a good indicator of his mood.

Special abilities

Thymeros has a perhinsile tail. He can't attack with it, but for other things it does function as an extra hand.

Apparel & Accessories

Thymeros' usual attire is some kind of long-sleeved undershirt, a waistcoat, pants (usually leather), knee-high boots, and a greatcoat of black leather with blue trim.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thymeros was born to Shalia Grispira, a working girl from Bashamar who moved to Miran in search of a better life for herself and her unborn child. For 20 years now, she has owned The House of Simple Pleasures. Thymeros lived here until he was 15, then left to go to sea. He spent the last 10 years of his life at sea, until the captain of the ship he was serving on retired, forcing him and his mess mates to pursue other employment on the shore.

Gender Identity





Thymeros is entirely self-educated. He is far more well-read, -spoken, and -mannered than one might expect a courtesan's bastard son, but Thymeros' knowledge of these facts can make him a bit arrogant/insufferable.


Prior to starting his career as an adventurer, Thymeros worked as a sailor on multiple different kinds of vessels. First job as an adventurer was in the service of Lady Brimwater to deal with sme issues under the Amesmar Mountains. Currently on a trial run to work as a freelance agent of the Empress.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vlez 21st, 865- Recovered "Sniper of the High Seas" in the Underdark. Vlez 22nd, 865- Slew the drider presiding over the fortress under the Amesmar mountains.

Failures & Embarrassments

Vlez 22nd, 865- Partially eaten by a mimic disguising itself as a door.

Mental Trauma

Vlez 21st, 865- Fought and destroyed animated dolls (Creepy)

Intellectual Characteristics

Thymeros is highly intelligent, and he knows it, but Thymeros' knowledge of this fact can make him a bit arrogant/insufferable.

Morality & Philosophy

Thymeros is Chaotic Good. This means that he will always endeavor to do the right thing, regardless of what the law's stance on the matter is. He still has his own code that he adheres to, so some might consider him Lawful Good.


Slavery- the exceptions to this are when such an arrangement is one of mutual consent (i.e. bedroom play, indentured servitude, etc.) Tyranny- the ACTUAL definition as opposed to the views an anarchist might hold.

Personality Characteristics


The right thing Gold Prestige

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Thymeros is gifted with technology, engineering, sailing, and intellectual pursuits He does, however, struggle with being persuasive in a given situation.

Likes & Dislikes

Adventure, carousing, women (although he only has eyes for one woman nowadays), the sea, tinkering. Greed, people who abuse their authority.

Virtues & Personality perks

Will always strive to do the right thing.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be arrogant as a result of being aware of just how intelligent he is.

Personality Quirks

His tail can sometimes twitch or flick when he's angry or irritated.


When situation allows, immaculate. When the situation doesn't allow, he tries to at least stay clean enough to not get sick.


Contacts & Relations

Shalia Grispira- Mother, proprietress of The House of Simple Pleasures Meara- Lover, aspiring adventurer Kronk- Best friend, member of the Motley Mess Harold- Best friend, member of the Motley Mess Linlari Onara- Empress of Miran, Current employer Kara Brimwater- Lady of Zarel, Former employer Caladrel Jathal- Elvish arcanist from Zarel Acera Drosil- wife and personal bodyguard of the empress "Guardian of the Winged Sword" Darvon Mithanrel- Baron of Miran Chotra Mythid- Lady of Trion Sisa Seawhisper- daughter of Chotra Mythid

Family Ties

Shalia Grispira- Mother, proprietress of The House of Simple Pleasures Meara- Lover, aspiring adventurer Kronk- Best friend, member of the Motley Mess Harold- Best friend, member of the Motley Mess

Religious Views

Follower of Gozreh Tolerant of other religions/faiths so long as they don't encroah on the rights/beliefs of others

Social Aptitude

Thymeros has a lot in the way of social graces, but he lacks the forceful personality required in some situations.

Hobbies & Pets

Tinkering Engineering Reading


Very posh "English" accent that no English person actually has (think Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III of Vox Machina).


Shalia Grispira

Mother (Vital)

Towards Thymeros Grispira



Thymeros Grispira

Son (Vital)

Towards Shalia Grispira



Wealth & Financial state

8,144.2 gold pieces

Devilishly handsome, fiendishly intelligent, and inhumanly dangerous tiefling marksman from Miran. Once a sailor aboard an icebreaker, and thus having employment year-round, now a freelance gun-for-hire.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
18th of Tre, Year 839
Miran, Anaria
Current Residence
The House of Simple Pleasures
Silver (solid)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft. 6 in.
220 lb.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This should be interesting..." "*exasperated sigh*" (speaking to self) "Let's do (action), because that will be fun/ny."
Known Languages
Abyssal Bashan Common Elvish Giant Infernal Undercommon

12th of Ocep, Year 865
12th of Ocep, Year 865

We had an interesting encounter with the shrubs this morning. They came into our camp, “chittering” excitedly, trying to get Kronk to go with them. He did so, and I, being a curious individual, followed. It turned out that they wanted to give Kronk a gift for helping them cleanse the spring, and this gift took the form of an enchanted great club made from one of Adaronin’s limbs. Iroh started asking about the possibility of adopting one of the shrubs (damned if I know why). Harold walked up to one, cast "Tongues" on it, and promptly started getting berated by said shrub. We asked them some questions, and it turns out they like to explore. As a group we asked them if they'd like to come exploring with us, and they agreed. We asked them what their name was, and they responded by asking us what a name was. So, we named them "Moss." Afterward, Adaronin gave us a ride to the coast, where we made use of the folding boat and sailed to the next island in this cluster.

11th of Ocep, Year 865
11th of Ocep, Year 865

We met a mobile sentient tree named Adaronin. We told him why we were here, and helped him get some poisonous crystalline spikes out of his side. Adaronin told us of a corruption that was spreading through the island from the central water source. He also told us that there was an individual named Rhyssan that lived on the island. Apparently, their hut was on the way, and Adaronin was kind enough to give us a ride. He dropped us off a couple miles from Rhyssan’s hut. Once we arrived, we saw the hut in the middle of a clearing, a statue of an imp on the roof. Then we heard a voice behind us. We turned around, and, naturally, it was Rhyssan. This individual was all manner of unsettling for me. They seemed to be extremely gaunt, and they were tall…even though they were hunched over, they were still close to Kronk’s height. They also had two glowing pupils per eye, and as a bonus, that imp statue wasn’t a statue. It was an actual imp. Like I said, very off-putting. We left and headed for the central spring that Adaronin said was the source of the corruption spreading throughout the island. It turned out that the source of the corruption was some kind of sentient ooze that hurled poisonous crystal spikes at us (we now know how Adaronin got stuck with those things). Eventually we killed it, but it wasn’t easy. Harold got knocked unconscious, I took a poisonous spike to the shoulder, and Kronk’s club got dissolved. And guess who showed up after that fight? Rhyssan. Apparently, they “misplaced” an item of theirs near where our siren problem is originating from. Apparently, the misplaced item is an orb; large, black in color when inert, and touching it could cause pain “depending upon your persuasion.” Sounds awfully familiar… We agreed, but we’ll see what happens when we find this thing. We camped near the spring and as we were taking our watches, the flora of the forest came alive.

10th of Ocep, Year 865
10th of Ocep, Year 865

We finally made it to the Isles of Castall. Along the way we encountered some globsters, but they didn’t pose much of a threat. It’s incredibly warm here, more like summer than the beginnings of winter in the Northern Reaches. I suspect that magic is the cause of the heat, but the thick fog surrounding these islands that we had to walk/swim through is most likely the result of tropical heat mixed with the winter temperatures of the surrounding sea. We’re camping on the beach for the night, drying our clothes, and setting out in the morning. Apparently, Harold was in the mood for a taste of home, so he wandered into the woods in search of frogs. He told us he hit a bush, and that bush chased him out of the tree line. This island is going to be interesting.

6th of Ocep, Year 865
6th of Ocep, Year 865

Sisa returned today. She gave us the heading to intercept Norgebor’s Messenger and we made the necessary adjustments to follow her direction. We attacked the pirates at sunset so the sun would be in their faces. As we closed the distance, I started targeting the captain. I know I was hitting them, but they refused to go down. Once the enemy was in range of the ballista, the crew started opening fire, Kronk doing the same once he could use his longbow. Harold decided to turn invisible to go release the prisoners…which Lady Chotra had already gone over to do…and ended up being useful for fuck-all in this fight. All told it was a hard fight, but we took the ship. The enemy captain, however, used Plane Shift and escaped. According to one of the three surviving pirates, the captain apparently has a summer home in the Nine Hells. I’ll have to look more into that when we return to Miran. The refugees are going to head back to Anaria on the pirate ship, carrying a letter for Meara, a letter for my mother, and perhaps one for the Empress. The Motley Mess, and the crew of the Winter’s Bite, however, will be continuing to the Isles of Castall to try and solve this siren problem.

5th of Ocep, Year 865
5th of Ocep, Year 865

Today we didn’t do much. We rested, asked some questions of the crew, and even discussed Norgebor’s Messenger, and the people that we met in that waking nightmare that said they were trapped aboard that ship. After much discussion and deliberation, we managed to convince the captain to go after these slaver pirates.

4th of Ocep, Year 865
4th of Ocep, Year 865

What. The. Fuck?! We lost a day and a half inside some kind of living nightmare. The crew of The Winter’s Bite looked like they were dead and had been underwater for years. The first mate attacked us, but only if we interfered with what he was doing. The shadows seemed to come to life on the edge of whatever light we had, and the colors of everything was muted, almost like a layer of grey over everything. We had to fight the captain, too… and boy did he fuck me up… But then we woke up, and found that we had actually taken damage, I had actually expended ammunition, and we had actually consumed potions. I had gotten the worst of it, with a massive slash across my chest from some kind of infected blade. Again I ask… WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

2nd of Ocep, Year 865
2nd of Ocep, Year 865

An uneventful day of tending wounds and working the ship.

1st of Ocep, Year 865
1st of Ocep, Year 865

Another smooth sailing day... at first. We had a brush with sirens, but not the ones we were sent to deal with. Gave us some insight into our new enemy, though. These creatures in larger numbers could be beyond us to tackle on our own. We'll see, though.

35th of Vlez, Year 865
35th of Vlez, Year 865

At first, it was an uneventful day. Clear skies with a fair breeze...a good sailing day. Then Kronk, Harold, and about half of the crew suddenly jumped ship and started swimming towards something. That something turned out to be a sargassum fiend; an animated pile of seaweed that uses illusions to lure sailors to it. It damn near killed Harold and several other crewmembers before Kronk managed to deal the killing blow. Needless to say, we took it easy after that for the rest of the day.

34th of Vlez, Year 865
34th of Vlez, Year 865

Over the last few days, Kronk and I helped out the crew where we were able, and it felt nice to be back on the sea. We also, by some miracle, plucked a naked Harold from the sea yesterday. In addition to being naked and in the middle of the ocean, Harold's accent briefly changed, and he wasn't even aware of it. I have SO many questions.   We came upon a seemingly abandoned ship off the coast, bobbing like a cork. After multiple unanswered hails, we boarded and found that the ship had been attacked by pirates, the only survivors being the captain of this derelict, and a young boy. After salvaging what we could, we decided to scuttle the ship for a mass burial at sea. While moving bodies down into the lower decks, I caught Harold trying to take a bite out of one of the corpses. I told him not to, or I'd shoot him. Naturally, he opted to test my resolve, so I, being a man of my word, shot the tip of his tail off. He hit me with a spell, and we moved on.

31st of Vlez, Year 865
31st of Vlez, Year 865

This morning, Harold turned up missing. All of his stuff was left behind, as was a fine layer of slime on everything. Unsure of what to do, we let people know what was up, and headed aboard the Winter's Bite, commanded by Captain Zhar Slitshanks. We set sail right away, and while we were still worried about Harold, Kronk and I met the ship's other officers. Maldrek- First mate, purple tiefling Neren- Boatswain, elf

30th of Vlez, Year 865
30th of Vlez, Year 865

We met with the Empress today, along with her bodyguard Acera Drosil, Baron Darvon Mithanrel (Ifrit, Baron of Miran), Lady Chotra Mythid (Sea elf, Lady of Trion). We debriefed with her and gave her the black orb. Turns out, this thing is a "dimensional anchor" and apparently a big enough one to bring about the end of the world. Lovely. We got paid for our job and got a new offer. This job is actually a trial run to become agents of the Empress (which comes with some nice perks). Sirens are causing trouble for the town of Trion. So, we need to go investigate the problem and either solve it or report back with any intelligence we gathered. Caliah had a very strong reaction to this news of sirens causing trouble. After this meeting, Caliah and I, both wielding weapons that have a connection to Gozreh, decided to hold our weapons together as Zarzuket (the blue-haired gnome cleric of Gozreh from the temple) suggested to me, they started to hum, then glow, and then when our weapons touched, thunder rumbled, and lightning crackled. I got the feeling of dark night surrounding me. I heard a woman's voice (soft in volume, but still with a hard edge) say "Ah, there he is." I get the feeling that given our chosen weapons (Caliah wielding a trident that almost certainly was wielded by Gozreh, and I wielding a rifle that supposedly used to belong to Gozreh's quartermaster- and thus, pre-dating the existence of firearms in the world) Caliah and I may be bound together in our future adventures; she as a healer and I as her "guardian angel."   After this little discovery, we all decided that a pub crawl was in order. We first went back to the House of Simple Pleasures to pack for our trip (and I invited Meara to join us for the pub crawl). We first went to the Divine Fields, where Kronk fought in the ring and won quite handily, making Caliah and I each 100 gold richer, and Harold 50 gold poorer (which I felt he deserved since he tried to rig the fight against Kronk). After that, we went to the Bubbling Cauldron. Kronk had a drink that changed him into a halfling for an hour. Meara seemed to be immensely enjoying herself (I'll have to bring her back sometime). The next bar we went to was the White Woods. Meara and I ran into Brea there and chatted her up a little bit. Right as we were leaving, Kronk's drink wore off and he immediately returned to his full height just in time to smack his forehead with such a forceful thud that I was legitimately worried he had cracked the beam. Next up, Gorum's battlefield. It wasn't really our scene, so we had a round and left. Our final stop before going home was the Tipsy Seaman. We had some rum, Kronk and I played darts. Afterward, we headed back, and Caliah had to part ways with us for some reason.

29th of Vlez, Year 865
29th of Vlez, Year 865

I managed to re-cast all of my existing bullets in this new mold. I also went to the temple of Gozreh to attempt to learn more about my new rifle. At dinner I overheard Caliah talking to my mother. Apparently, she had no idea what a brothel was. I learned from Harold's eavesdropping (since my mother caught me eavesdropping and told me to beat it) that not only is this girl a virgin, but she is also innocent. Hopefully we can gently rub the shine off of her before she gets on a ship with us.

28th of Vlez, Year 865
28th of Vlez, Year 865

The next morning, I went to the blacksmith and successfully made my new bullet mold. Afterwards, I sold all of our loot, and made a tidy profit. I went back home, and found out that Kronk and Harold have commissioned the construction of a ship for us; which of course means that I have a lot of work ahead of me for outfitting a proper privateer ship.

27th of Vlez, Year 865
27th of Vlez, Year 865

I woke up LATE. I couldn’t even utter the phrase “good morning” honestly. Meara was there when I woke up, and while she went to buy things for meeting my friends at dinner, I discussed taking on her debt with my mother. After some back and forth I secured the debt, and once I pay it off to my mother, Meara is completely free. What she does with that freedom, including whether or not she chooses to stay with me, will be her decision. Afterwards, I went back to my room to try working on my new bullet design again. This time, I did it! I can’t be certain if this was due to my brilliance alone, or if the fact that Meara was bathing in the next room was a major part of it, but either way, I was successful. Now I just have to make the mold and cast the first bullets. Meara and I had some fun before dinner, and then she met my companions. As I suspected would happen, Meara didn’t really talk much, except to Caliah. Harold was surprisingly well-behaved. After that, Meara and I retired for the night.

23rd to 26th of Vlez, Year 865
23rd to 26th of Vlez, Year 865

We traveled back to Aurae, and brought her the baby cloud dragon. Turns out the baby’s name is Affina, and she had been abducted months ago. With her parents dead, Aurae took her in. As a sign of gratitude, Aurae gave us her favor, and a ride back to Miran. We spoke to Lady Kera Brimwater when we arrived (just before dinner time), and debriefed her about what happened, leaving Caladrel and the orb with her. We will have an audience with the Empress in three days. We headed back to the House of Simple Pleasures, where everyone was able to get some food, some rest, and I was able to reunite with my mother and Meara.

22nd of Vlez, Year 865
22nd of Vlez, Year 865

When we woke up, we backtracked to the where the symbol of death was and got through. We took the keystone with us to keep our back covered. We continued onward and found a room filled with magma, a chest, and a baby cloud dragon held captive. The chest apparently contained something that Caliah said “called” to her. Through some sailor skill/ingenuity and the use of Mage Hand, I was able to shimmy over the magma, get the chest open, recover a magical trident, and rescue the dragon. That room taken care of, we continued onward until we came to another hallway. This led to a door, which turned out to not be a door but a mimic, which tried to EAT ME!!! My friends killed it, saved my sorry red ass, and helped me loot the room the mimic was guarding. We continued onward, and came across a pair of creepy looking doors depicting symbolism of Zon-Kuthon (according to Harold anyway). We entered and almost immediately squared off with a drider. During the fight, each of us ended up facing off with tortured, twisted, demonic versions of ourselves. They were easy enough to defeat, and I ended up getting the killing blow on the drider. We then turned our attention to the altar looking thing, and the black sphere on top. This sphere, according to Harold, is an all-seeing orb, and could supposedly break down the barriers between planes (in this case the material and shadow planes). We wrapped it in my coat and Caladrel mage-handed the bundle up. And that was when the cavern started to collapse. We hauled ass out of there, and the whole fortress was also collapsing. We managed to escape, and then made camp.

21st of Vlez, Year 865
21st of Vlez, Year 865

Eventually we stumbled across a stone fortress, the front doors guarded by a pair of giant rat men. We decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and stealthily bypassed the fortress, instead fighting some magma elementals. We moved on from there and ended up fighting and killing some kind of humanoid slug creature. I found an awesome looking rifle. Legend has it that this is the “Sniper of the High Seas,” believed to belong to the quartermaster of Gozreh themselves. Even if it’s not true, it’s still a beautiful weapon. When we moved on, I found drider tracks. Thanks to the information I got from Meara, I was able to enlighten the party about some aspects of drow culture, especially where it concerns driders. We entered the fortress through a magical door, and fought some demonic animated dolls. If I ever have children of my own, none of them will be allowed to have dolls (at least until I have recovered from this ordeal!). We went deeper into the fortress. We encountered a couple drow on the “ground” floor. We killed one and the other fled. They were guarding something also protected by a symbol of death. We went up to the “first floor,” and killed a drow (presumably the one that had fled earlier) and some sort of undead warrior. The warrior was guarding some kind of chest with a weird combination lock. I tried fiddling with the lock, but ended up spawning two giant double-headed snakes. We killed the snakes and reset the combination. We eventually solved the puzzle, and inside the the chest was a keystone that would “deactivate” the symbol of death. After recovering this stone, we decided to barricade the door and rest for the night.

20th of Vlez, Year 865
20th of Vlez, Year 865

We headed out once we ere rested, and spent a whole day traveling.

19th of Vlez, Year 865
19th of Vlez, Year 865

We almost immediately ended up fighting a gelatinous cube. Harold ended up killing it by diving INTO it and exhaling his fire breathing potion. After defeating this thing, we met a “cloud woman.” The cloud woman turned out to be a cloud dragon named Aurae, the “Lady of Storms.” She apparently likes interesting things and asked us to “bring her a shiny,” as Kronk put it. We ventured further into the mountain, encountered a greedy devil fish, and rescued a cleric of Gozreh from a giant black widow (which bit me!). The cleric turned out to be an undine woman named Caliah. She decided to join us while Kronk fed the giant spider to the devil fish. We then went into a cave that had a few darkmantles in it. We eliminated them easily enough, and Harold found a flute styled to look like a cutlass. We went deeper into the mountain and stopped for the night.

18th of Vlez, Year 865
18th of Vlez, Year 865

We headed out at first light, spent the whole day traveling, camped at the mouth of the cave, and headed in first thing in the morning.

17th of Vlez, Year 865
17th to 18th of Vlez, Year 865

In the morning, after meeting with Caladrel over breakfast, we chatted up a couple of mercenaries that had been hired to protect the town. They gave us some info on the creatures we could expect to face. We spent the day chatting up the townsfolk. I was able to sell my musket, bought a bayonet, made a better bullet mold, and collected 45.75 of my 100 pounds of gunpowder from Lucas (I still have 1,089 doses of powder left at Lucas’ house). We ended up staying one more night in Zarel.

5th to 16th of Vlez, Year 865
5th to 16th of Vlez, Year 865

In the morning we headed out for Zarel. The first few days were uneventful, but the last day was one of nearly constant combat. First we fought goblins, then we fought an assassin vine (which resulted in Kronk getting a spectacular-looking greatsword), and a cave fischer (some sort of subterranean, non-aquatic lobster), the last of which was within the town of Zarel. We spent the night in Zarel’s tavern, the rooms were complimentary to us as thanks from the town.

The Adventure Begins- 4th of Vlez, Year 865
4th of Vlez, Year 865

We got kicked off the icebreaker we were serving on (and had been serving on for 10 months) after Harold got caught eating gunpowder. Thankfully, the captain was at least kind enough to not officially kick us off until we made port in Miran. It was good to be home, especially since I would get to see Meara. After we stepped off the ship, we headed to The House of Simple Pleasures. Home. While everyone else got settled with food and drink, I sat and spoke with Mother. She was obviously happy to see me, but she knew I needed some kind of income, and going to sea again would be impossible for the time being. She told me about a possible job working for Lady Kara Brimwater, the noble who rules over Zarel. Before the meeting, all I knew was that Zarel was a mining town to the northeast. Apparently, there are monsters coming from the depths of the mountain in hitherto unforeseen numbers and frequency. In any event we agreed to meet with Lady Brimwater at her home in Miran. The long and short of it is that if we agreed to journey to Zarel, kill the monsters coming out, and find a way to decrease the frequency with which these creatures emerge, Lady Brimwater would pay us 16,000 gold pieces, with an additional 1,000 gold each up front for expenses. After we left Lady Brimwater’s house, we went to the southern district of Upper Miran, shopping at a place known as Thornpoint Goods, run by Grimsby Thornpoint, a male half-orc. After all that, we headed back to my mother’s establishment to rest. I spent the night with Meara, and got as much information about the Underdark as I could, and that woman is a veritable font of information.


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