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Bastions are among the only functional vehicles remaining in Ashrain. Comparatively, given the scarcity of other functional vehicles, they are fairly common; however, there may be less than a hundred in use across the entirety of the former North American continent. Following the worldwide technological failure of the Great Cataclysm, virtually every electrical system died, and many suffered irreparable damage. The worldwide destruction that followed wiped out the vast majority of human technology, and what was left was quickly buried beneath the global ash blanket. However, years afterwards, some enterprising groups of survivors were able to jump start dormant vehicles that were not destroyed in the natural disasters, restoring them to moderate functionality. Practical use of these vehicles is rare due to the lack of available fuel among other factors. The majority of those retained at a functional level are converted into armored Bastions for use as mobile, military fortresses.   Bastions are made from the frames of virtually any vehicle that will support the weight of the armaments and defensive shielding packed onto them: cars, trucks, tanks, etc. As such, they are all different in appearance, but similar in purpose. They are heavily armored killing machines reinforced with steel plating and crude weapons with one purpose: to obliterate other groups of human survivors. They are essentially armored bulldozers designed to plow right into a groun of enemies and deflect all incoming attacks while allowing the passengers to counter attack from a fortified, mobile position. Many Bastions are outfitted with refitted engines and tires, providing extra power and propulsion for navigating the rugged terrains of Ashrain.   The societal impact of the development of Bastions was immense and immediate. Militant survivor groups became commonplace, with just one Bastion providing an edge over any unarmed groups, even when vastly outnumbered. This allowed small bands of bandits and raiders to terrorize much larger, better armed groups, leading to an intense demand for mechanics and engineers. However, as the use of Bastions proliferated, an arms race ensued, and before long larger groups were assembling more and more of them. Possessing Bastions became a symbol of power and strength, and the more Bastions deployed by a given faction the more respect and fear they would inspire.

Power Generation

Bastions are primarily former vehicles, including cars, trucks, and military vehicles, salvaged from beneath the ash blanket in places where former parking lots are exposed by ash storms or landslides. The majority of them employ hydrogen or micro-fusion technology, though a very, very few may employ crude oil or gasoline. These are uncommon given the scarcity of fuel, and even hydrogen powered vehicles are scarce as sources of readily available hydrogen power are rarely unpolluted in the toxifying environment of Ashrain. Micro-fusion engines are the most prized given their self-sustaining nature, if they can be repaired by a skilled enough mechanic.


Bastions are outfitted with reinforced tires capable of plowing through the dense ash blanket. Still, the infiltration of pyroclastic particulate matter gradually wears down gears and pistons in action, requiring regular maintenance to retain the functionality of the vehicle. This is another reason that Bastions are so rarely deployed, as just one use can cripple the vehicle if precautions are not taken.

Weapons & Armament

Bastions are mobile killing machines. Bastions are often outfitted with whatever projectile weapons and firearms a survivor group possesses, both for the effectiveness of the armament in such an indestructible vehicle and to protect the valuable weapons by sealing them within a mobile, armored safe. When firearms are not available, Bastions are usually armed with long spears and poles with stabbing spikes on the end, designed to be thrust out of the vehicles windows. The Bastion is driven right into the heart of the enemy, crushing them beneath its wheels, and the crew attacks from within, stabbing out at enemies and lancing them in the sides of throught the throat. For this reson, Bastions are sometimes called 'Porcupines' by survivors who remember Earth before the Great Cataclysm.

Armor and defense

Bastions are heavily armored. The former civilian chasis of the vehiclesn are stripped and reinforced with steel beams and plates to create a small, tank-like vehicle. Plate shielding is included on all sides, protecting the crew inside from external attack. Small strips are cut into this shielding allowing for the protrusion of weapons and visibility for driving. This shielding is primarily designed to withstand melee attacks and intrusion by external ground forces, protecting the crew inside. Shielding powerful enough to withstand a direct shot from a firearm is rare and heavy, weighing the vehicles down even more than they already are, and as such is not often implemented. This gives enemies with firearms an edge against the otherwise indestructible moving attack bunkers.

Communication Tools & Systems

There is little room within the Bastion for any means of communication. Those survivors who have obtained or manufactured short-wave radio technology may use it to communicate with crews inside of Bastions, but the purpose of the vehicles does not require communication of ongoing battle commands and tactics. The objective is simple: drive right into the heart of the enemy and slaughter them, then run them down if they try to escape.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Bastions have little support systems or auxillary power sources other than those that keep them running. Engines are heavily reinforced with protective plating both above and below the vehicle to prevent damage by direct attack or ground explosives, but if the engine is compromised the vehicle becomes a coffin for those inside, who are unable to retreat and unable to exit the vehicle without being killed or captured. Likewise, if an axle or wheel fails, there is no easy method of retreat or recovery. In the corrosive environment of Ashrain, the vehicles function only on a limited basis to begin with. Compromising any one aspect of the vehicle frequently results in the compromise of the entire system.
Tank Truck, Death Kettle, Iron Womb, Porcupine
Varying (6-12 ft)
Varying (10-30 ft)
Varying (5-12 ft)
6000-10000 lbs
5-35 mph
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Varying (3-10 passengers)


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