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The Redeemer Otheiss (a.k.a. Otheiss Ivis)

A great Silver Dragon, a lover, and a kind soul loved by her town's people.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Otheiss' background is quite cloudy. As a natural lover of humanoids, she tends to listen a lot more than she tells. Her closest acquaintances know her from legends as old as their passed ancestors, having befriended generations upon generations of their families in ages past.   As a beautiful black haired maiden, bound to dispel the sense in any young gentleman's mind, Otheiss made her life out of kind acts and charitable endeavour. Otheiss has taken a liking to the small village of AllGate, having settled there under the alias of Otheiss Ivis, she has lived for countless decades, aiding the town in times of need and mingling with the humanoid townsfolk.   As the towering scaled being of pure power, a Silver Dragon, Otheiss wasn't much different than her humanoid form. She helped the village with tasks too difficult for their frail bodies and shared her magical gifts with the townsfolk, aiming to improve their lifestyle to the best of her abilities. Over the decades, she earned the trust and love of her fellow common folk. She periodically leaves the town every few month or years, mostly to spread her wings and breathe in a little air outside of the town, but she is loyal to her friends, her family.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Home-cooked food.
  • Helping those in need.
  • A warm fireplace.


  • Greediness.
  • Selfish people.
  • Loneliness.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Redeemer
Year of Birth
47 Post-Fall 311 Years old
Current Residence
Mercury Silver
Long, sleek black hair (human form)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver scales, pale white (human form)
20 ft, 5 ft 5" (human form)
12000 lbs, 145 lbs (human form)
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, possibly others...

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