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Prison Island of Valonde

An island specifically designed to keep Aspicientis' worst at bay.

The Prison Island of Valonde is the place where the worse criminals in Aspicientis' history reside. Magical or not, the prison ensures any of it's inmates stay exactly where they are meant to... Behind bars.


The island of Valonde is a rather monotone in terms of geographical extravagance, if not for it's easy subjectivity to magic, it would be a completely normal, remote island. The easy-to-work with plains of the island made it ideal to building large structures, such as the prison walls and the main prison itself. The earthly ground is also incredibly fertile, resulting in voluminous amounts of flora growth and easy excavation for underground building. Couple with artificially created antimagic fields, it indeed is the worse possible place to be in as an arcane user.

Fauna & Flora

While the fauna of the island is rather monotone, only consisting of the standard bird or seagull, the flora of the small collection of land is unnaturally expansive and invasive. The island's trees are tall and constantly need up-keeping so to not obstruct the prison staff's view, while the flowers and other plants of the island make it so it is incredibly dense where no buildings were erected.   This is used to the prison's advantage, as it makes outside the prison incredibly difficult to navigate, and can be used to slow down escaping inmates.

Natural Resources

The island is, as mentioned before, rich in flora. Its trees are bountiful in fruits and make it for surviving off the land incredibly easy. Wood is also a major resource due to the amount of trees that are present.
Alternative Name(s)
Valonde, Prison Island.
Owning Organization

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