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The Speeding Needles

The Speeding Needles... A seedy, back alley-dwelling gang of lowlives and royalty alike; hiding in a hole where their hustle lies just below the line of sight of the authorities of Metalurgica. Within their seemingly mundane cavern lies a bustling bar, full of camaraderie and bonds as thick as blood, but held together by loyalty for metal currency. The gang is purely composed of Quicklings born in Metalurgica; having little demands or requirements for entry, if only loyalty to their ways and a thirst for money. Their upper ranks are more restricted in terms of acceptance, but they share their similar thirst for something greater, be it riches, power, or even longevity.


The Speeding Needle has been under the leadership of Dain Zincan since its foundation. The organisation works with three tiers of members that formulate the hierarchy of The Speeding Needles, all composed of Quicklings of various social and ethical backgrounds:    

The Chief

No other than Dain Zincan himself, The Chief has kept the ownership of the gang since it's foundation; The Chief is generally the main source of jobs and targets that the gang receives, acting as a spearhead in terms of negotiations and business developments for the gang.      

The Conveyors

Every gang needs their muscle; in the case of The Speeding Needles, The Conveyors are not just the muscle, but the face, the legs and the brain. The Conveyors are the forefront of the activities which the gang partakes in and answer only to The Chief. Their jobs vary from member to member, as they are promoted due to their specific talents or abilities.    

The Haystack

The Speeding Needles, as any other organisation, needs grunts to do the basic dirty work that the more important members don't want to bother with. The Haystack is composed of a number of grunts and lowlives that find their ways into the care of The Needles, be if for safety, necessity, or otherwise. The members of The Haystack generally aim to prove themselves worthy of promotion to the role of a Conveyor, but only the elite within can advance.


The Speeding Needles is a necessary evil in the streets of Metalurgica; their presence showcases a chance for smaller organisations and businesses to hire cheap alternatives to problems. Your landlord is raising your rent our of spite? Your competition is sabotaging your business? Have a friend that was wronged by an official? The Needles will happily set the record straight.  Under the moonlight, however, if you by-chance require a certain individual gone, or a specific place levelled, The Needles can turn their alliances as fast as their wallets can fill. From moving illicit cargo, to helping rebuild orphanages, to throat-cutting by the docks, The Needles have not only the equipment, but the moral compass and lack of patience to not think twice before taking a request.

Public Agenda

The agenda of The Speeding Needles is simple, if you have the Electrum to pay, their blades will be beside you. With a "no job too small" mentality, The Needles have made a name for themselves as handymen both in the basking sun of the streets of Metalurgica, and in the dim, neon-lit underground of the city's innards.

We fight as we run

Founding Date
307 AF
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
The Needles
Notable Members

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