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Dain Zincan

The Chief Dain Zincan

Every haystack holds a needle; or so they say. Dain rose from dirt to run an operation many would consider unethical, if not for his involvement in their personal livelihood. The leader of the gang of quicklings that hold steady onto one of the many branches that form the underground scene of Metalurgica. Relentless, charismatic and mostly of all, ambitious.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dain's physical attributes are above-average for a quickling, although his constitution is specially sturdy due to his human genes, as well as the magitech heart augmentation he pocesses.

Body Features

Rather tall for a quickling, he prides himself in his physical prowess. His body is clearly detailed with thin electrum laces, embedded into his skin as a conduit for his magitech enhancements, but hidden underneath his clothing.

Facial Features

His left eye is surrounded by some light scarring from a magitech enhancement. The eye itself has been replaced with a enhanced magitech eye, which he chose to not cover with synthetic skin and leave exposed, for the dramatic effect.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dain's time in the city of Metalurgica had been thoroughly unpleasant. Difficulties with his upbringing resulted in Dain running from his foster home at an early age; living in the streets for a large portion of his expected lifespan.   Dain's conception was something of a mystery to him. He contained a heavy amount of human traits, which came to his benefit in combating the detriments of being a quickling. Included a slightly elongated lifespan, slightly bigger physical stature and a relatively stronger immune system.   Throughout his early years of vagranting, Dain found comfort in doing the odd job here and there throughout the city; it gave him experiences in many areas which he needed to survive in such a hostile environment. His days as a mechanic's janitor taught him the basics to get by with magitech, his more obscure gigs led him to learn how to fend for himself, albeit with more bruised received than dealt. Over time, he attained a little fame for being a stalwart mercenary, and used the money from his jobs to improve himself with the addition of magitech prosthetics. Dain didn't want to succumb to the addiction to magitech that much of the population of Metalurgica had been plagued with, so he kept the prosthetics to a minimum, with only a few internal augments to help his day-to-day activities and the addition of a magitech replacement after he had lost his left eye in a bar brawl.   Dain had begun to reach the end of his expected lifespan, even as a human/quickling hybrid; and upon nearly reaching such an unavoidable fate, Dain came to the realisation that despite this world being done with him, he was not done with it. His resolve brought him to his knees at the door of an experimental surgeon in the slums of Metalurgica; a magitech engineer that specialized in illegal and dangerous procedures. Using the money he gained in his fighting days, Dain spend an amount most would consider a fortune in attaining a magitech augment that replaced his heart with an artificial core composed of Electrum, adamantine and a rare type of Spellshard Crystal dubbed "Rebyk Shard". The procedure, although incredibly costly and dangerous, was successful, and it allowed Dain to extend his lifespan indefinitely, as well as halting his aging to a near stop; provided that Dain can get a replacement heart every few years.   After his life force was returned to him in the shape of his new heart, he formed a group known as The Speeding Needles; a gang that focuses on monopolising the odd-job scene in Metalurgica, specifically within the underground community of the city. Now he spends most of his time surrounded by a collection of his Conveyors as well as his trusted magitech-enhanced pet micro-monkey, Stim.

Gender Identity

Male. He/him.



Personality Characteristics


To attain inconceivable and unimaginable riches and power; to live until he feels his life is complete.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Money.
  • Brawling.
  • Stim.


  • Disloyalty.
  • Homelessness.
  • Sour food.


Hobbies & Pets

Dain owns a magitech-enhanced micro-monkey named Stim. A micro-monkey is essentially an ordinary monkey magically reduced to a minute stature.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
13th of Oculi, 293 AF
Year of Birth
293 Post-Fall 65 Years old
Current Residence
Dark grey
Short, spiky with muttonchops moustache, dark blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2' 2"
25 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan.

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