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The Outriders began humbly under Valance Felif as a simple scouting organization, but would later be officially formed and recognized by Kurst Felif as his personal guard unit in the Outlands. This group under the control of House Felif is the main operating unit outside the wall of Abas.


The Kersur of House Felif controls the organization and assigns a group of military advisors from outside the established House Felif group to help the Kersur with planning, actions, decisions, etc..


The Outrider salute is to put your right hand with all fingers pointing up against your left shoulder.

Public Agenda

To move humanity outside the wall of Abas and to claim their destiny.


Organized during the 2nd Expedition by Valance Felif, it would serve him as a simply scouting regiment and nothing more. After the 2nd Expedition ended it would continue to serve as a scouting regiment for House Felif until Kurst Felif would officially form and recognize it as a military branch of the House. It would then serve as Kurst's personal guard outside the wall of Abas, and would then encompass all of those who wished to help with the expansion of humanity. They would lead the charge during the 4th Expedition against the reinforcing enemy, and be the first ones into the ruins of Hrest. They were one of the main factors in turning the battle in the favor of the expedition.

Our Destiny Lies Beyond

Founding Date
34 Garahary 398 ED
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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