Caliban Tor


A large portion of the demographic are Metallic Dragonborn, making up the majority of leadership and higher class citizens, at around 67%. The 2nd highest group of people are Chromatic Dragonborn, making up roughly 20%. After the recent influx of refugees from the shadowfell, roughly 1000 Drow have immigrated into the city, making up almost 10% of the population, and adding quite a large number of new people to the city.


The government is run by a council of 9, and the Bishop himself, with 1 per 1000 people from that demographic for the councilmen. The Bishop is the main source of influence for decisions, as it is guided by religion and faith. The council is there to ensure this remains true and no corruption takes place. The city mostly tries to remain out of foreign affairs and conflicts, and does its best to keep itself out of the eyes of anyone who would wish to do battle.


The Retreat holds a small but powerful militia of Paladins and Clerics of the War Domain, under Bahamut. They rarely see use, and are mostly used as a show of proof that they are safe.

Industry & Trade

The city makes profit in 2 main ways, trading mining materials from the mountainside the city rests on, and being a religions hotspot for most draconic entities across the continent. Taxes are claimed mostly by cable cars, that connect the tiers directly. The main church of Bahamut is on The Line, and so a large number of people move between it and The Retreat daily, giving a large tax to the government.


Waterwheels dot the river on the 2nd tier, as well as roads in each tier. To cross the tiers, cables pull carts up and down between them.


The city is divided into 3 "Tiers" which make up the districts of the land. Tier 3, The Retreat, is the largest tier, and is the lowest class on average. It is where the entrance to the caverns where the materials are taken out of is located, and so most of the workforce lives close by. Most of the Chromatic Dragonborn live here, as well as a large number of Metallics. The Retreat has a large amount of shopping districts and food, as well as a very strong sense of community and pride, despite being lower class. Tier 2, The Line, is where the main river goes through town, and where most of the buildings like the library, churches, higher quality shops, tailors, schools, and universities lie. The river serves as a source of power for water wheels, and for activities for the folks who live on this tier. A large portion of the Drow were gifted land here as promised by the Bishop. Tier 3,The Ascent, is only for the politicians and ones of religions importance, and is also the smallest tier. The Councilmen and Bishop live here, as well as any who work for them directly, and those who work directly for the church.

Guilds and Factions

Chromatic Crusade, led by the Platinum Knight, The Gold Tongue Darius. Moonstone Dancers, led by Astalli Baenre.


The city was built around the first temple of Bahamut, and was expanded for decades. During The Great Demonic Incursion, this new city became the central hub for Draconic kind to seek religion and pray. Deep within the mountain the city rests on, a path to the Underdark opens up, and can cause chaos to appear among the city. Rarely, Drow can be seen fleeing the mountain, escaping the Underdark. The city takes them in under guidance from their god, and allows them sanctuary from the Underdark.

Points of interest

On The Ascent, the largest church for Bahamut exists, The Temple of the North Wind. This temple hold the largest gathering of followers to Bahamut, as well as is the main hotspot for all Metallic Dragonborn seeking religious guidance. It also happens to be the cities 2nd best source of income. The Line's river typically is just a normal, pretty river, but in a full moon, small stones in the rocks under start to glow. The Drow will come out and celebrate their freedom on these nights, under their own deity. This event is called the Moonwalk. It's one that all townsfolk are invited to partake in, Drow or not. Also on The Line is the school districts and libraries, where people can go to learn about most deities, not just the prime ones. On The Retreat lies The Blazing Bar, the best tavern in the city. The Retreat also has the main ways off and on the mountainsides. The mountain itself proves as a very good set piece for events, as fireworks can be sent from unique angles during the festivals.


The Moonwalk, Temple of the North Wind, and Blazing Bar are what any local would recommend.


Very mountainous, with the river flowing through town. you can see very far out to the other biomes from the city.


The climate is relatively cold, but is only an issue in the winter, when the river could freeze. During warmer seasons, the weather is fair and the temperature is stable. Very little rain reaches the city, though it snows very often during the winter.

Natural Resources

The mines inside the mountain hold a very large quantity of Iron and Coal, and some rarer gemstones in deeper sections, though those may be off limits depending on Underdark movements. They get little wildlife, so most food is traded.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Platinum
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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