Gorro the Melder, Master of Transmutation

Master Transmuter Gorro Lederer, the Melder

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to an Ushadan business man who ran a flourishing dye company, he was fascinated by the chemical processes of dyeing and tanning. Originally enrolling in alchemy at the Wizarding University. Limited by things such as "conservation of energy", he switched to the field of transmutation. He has devoted his time towards using transmutative magic to increase the ability of the average person.


Currently the highest educated in the field of transmutation.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to permanently transmute approximately 15 pounds of igneous rock into 15 pounds of metamorphic rock.
Pioneer of philosopher stone research.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once accidentally created a field of quicksand and almost perished.

Morality & Philosophy

Humanity must be elevated to a higher order of being with the aid of magic.
There is no risk too great when it comes to the advancement of civilization.
An unsated curiosity is an unfilled potential.
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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