Wizarding University


Established around 242 ADI, shortly after the founding of the Ushad trading outpost to take advantage of the abundance of rare goods. The founding wizards erected 5 obelisks around the outpost to ward away sandstorms. In exchange for maintaining the barrier, the university was given special access to rare materials and equipment they needed. Eventually they would be commissioned to create more obelisks and move the existing ones as the city would steadily grow in size.
Having become a place of study, scholars would soon join merchants on their expeditions into the desert, and the prestige of the university quickly ballooned. Many former students would go on to become court advisors, battlemages, or private practitioners of arcane arts, further spreading the esteem of Ushad. By the year 300 ADI, it became the foremost leader in magical and nonmagical study worldwide.

Fields of study

The university covers nearly every concievable field, from the esoteric to the everyday. The most notable and most esteemed are the eight schools of magic, covering: abjuration, alteration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, invocation, and necromancy. Each of these fields are led by the highest skill wizard in the field, known as a High Administrator.

Fields of conventional science that do not require arcane mastery do not carry as high of a standing as those that do, but are nonetheless offered a reasonable level of funding.  


Each High Administrator of the magical schools is allowed a seat at the Grand Council. It is here that weekly matters of leadership are discussed via vote. While high administrators of conventional studies are not privy to these sessions, they may still deliver petitions before the council, and lobby the members themselves.  


The magical schools are funded by the merchants of Ushad, who benefit greatly from the protective obelisks that safeguard their businesses. A portion of this funding is given to the nonmagical studies- though this amount is decided by the Grand Council. Oftentimes, High Administrators of conventional schools have to sell their discoveries to merchants in order to secure greater funding. Entry into the University not only requires aptitude in the related field, but a significant financial backing in order to afford a costly tuition- a cost which is put towards the associated department.
University / Educational complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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