Grand Council

A gathering of eight of the most powerful wizards of the Wizarding University. Each member is a High Administrator of their school of magic. They meet weekly to vote on petitions and make administrative decisions for the institution. By law of the council, decisions must be unanimous.  
Current members
Vanessa, Master of Abjuration
Snorri, Master of Conjuration
Wako Dark-eyes, Master of Divination
Trish Everbloom, Master of Enchantment
Draken the Nova, Master of Evocation
Katya Wright, Master of Illusion
Frances Delamort, Master of Necromancy
Gorro the Melder, Master of Transmutation
An Unfortunate Incident
Due to a poorly-worded wish spell, the previous members of the council were removed from reality, and most evidence of them existing has been erased.


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