Katya Wright, Master of Illusion

Master Illusionist Katya Wright

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Northlander parents in Skypeak, Katya lived a humble life, supported by her lumberjack father Taggart after the death of her mother in her formative years. Wanting to give her the best chance possible, her father saved up enough gold over ten years to afford a tuition at the Wizarding University at Ushad. Originally enrolled in political sciences and on track to become a professional orator, she was taken by the lore of illusion- and the ability to turn a mental image into reality- and enrolled into that instead. While she demonstrates expertise in illusionary magic, she somewhat infamously lacks the cunning to use it to a nefarious end.


Currently the highest educated in the field of Illusions.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Made her cat permanently invisible.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to make her cat visible again.

Morality & Philosophy

Power should not be used for the sake of one's own gain. Avoid conflict as much as possible, especially against those with less power than you.


Dislikes using magic in order to decieve others.
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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