Keepers of the Comet


The Hierophant oversees the whole of the operations and knows all the rituals and lores of the comet. Oversees a small but dedicated number of priests that work directly under him. Lower class workers are accomodated from other parts of the city, funded by the royal treasury.


Strength of sorcery was the single factor that allowed the Assyrian nobility to conquer and unite the land, and it will be strength that keeps it intact forevermore. Only the most potent sorcerer is worthy of ascension, where they are tasked with protection of Assyrian independence until their demise.

Public Agenda

They oversee religious and ritual transfer of power from the previous, deceased monarch, to the new one. They also tend to the catacombs that enshroud the Comet of Cassandora underneath the city of Assandria.


Founded somewhere around -500, after the passing of the first sorcerer king. The churches that formed around worship of The Comet of Cassandora consolidated in order to act as a mediator for electing a new ruler. Doing this, the newly formed state of Assyria avoided an early political collapse. The Hierophant elects a member of the existing priesthood in order to succeed them. There have been many more monarchs than there have been Hierophants, as they are not warriors found on the battlefield, unlike the sorcerers.


Since the ascension of the new sorcerer prince Zael, the priesthood has been eradicated, and only the current Hierophant remains, imprisoned.

Heavens be with you.

Founding Date
around -500
Religious, Organised Religion
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


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