Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana

Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and skinny.

Body Features

Blue skin,webbed fingers and dolphin-like tail, as well as other more typical kobold features.

Facial Features

Small bumps on the sides and top of the head to form horn-like shapes, and narrow eyes. Dots almost resembling freckles in-between her eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

She stands out like a sore thumb, even amongst other kobolds, as she resembles aquatic creatures a lot more. Her tail is a defining feature, as well as a deep orange burn mark across her whole body that marks out a tattoo.

Physical quirks

She has a large burn scar across her upper body that forms a tattoo.

Apparel & Accessories

She has piercings on some of her fins on her tail, and is dotted with straps, gadgets, and protective gear such as goggles. Also has a tendency to wear a large amount of jewelry when not moving around too much.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First child of the Makaio-Jahana family, but not bloodline, Kornari was an abandoned Kobold left in a cave nearby the woods which her now mother kept watch over. The reason why she was left alone or how she stayed alive for weeks was not known, but Jahana took her in while pregnant with their first born child. Kornari was born with mild telepathic abilities, so this may have been related? Kornari spent most of her life in her home village, mostly isolated or with her siblings. If alone, she would be reading whatever she could get her hands on, or trying to build something. Eventually it turned into a love of learning and creation, and making projects. She spent a long time studying books on alchemy and constructs, and learned how to build them and brew them. At the same time, she took to other creative outlets such as woodcarving to compliment her construct practice, and jewelry to be a more practical trade in the future. She had very little friends outside of her siblings, and that didn't help her tendency to stay in her own little bubble.

Gender Identity

She identifies as a lady


She likes the ladies


Kornari is a very smart person. She spent a majority of her time growing up reading, and putting those reading skills to practice. She lacks a large number of social skills, but has vast knowledge on anything you can find in a textbook.


She practiced for a few years to be a jeweler, but has yet to take up that role fully.

Mental Trauma

The traditions the family partakes in has left some rough memories in all of the children, Kornari included. She also struggles with people, and deals with people bring weirded out, disgusted or just being rude about her telepathic nature or appearence somewhat often.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kornari's main strengths lie in recalling History from the books, as well as Nature from her own environment growing up. She also uses her smarts to create things to aid her in her day to day, such as weapons, hunting equipment, survival gear, etc.

Morality & Philosophy

Kornari believes her family is first, and thinks they should be taken care of above all else, even if she fails to do so.

Personality Characteristics


Kornari currently is motivated by her brother Rohu, and making sure he can make the right choices for himself, whatever that may be.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very crafty and god at making stuff, very bad at talking to people.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Pets, Tea, Building, Kids, Swimming, Pretty girls, Her family, and reading.
Dislikes: People being rude, especially to Rohu, people commenting on her race or telepathy, meat, shouting, people talking too much.


Social Aptitude

Not good at all


Very isolated in rooms, and likes to stay behind familiar people when near others.

Hobbies & Pets

Her main pet is Tofu the Flying Snake, who was a normal flying snake, but is now currently a construct-organic hybrid so it could be kept alive. She also acquired an Owlbear egg and help hatched it, which is named Moe.


Very poor at speaking and it shows in her tone and speech patterns. The speaks monotone and almost seems to not want to speak at all.


Rohu Makaio Jahana

Adoptive Brother (Important)

Towards Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana



Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana

Adoptive Sister (Vital)

Towards Rohu Makaio Jahana




View Character Profile
True Neutral/Neutral Good
Date of Birth
May 14th, 493
Glittering Wellspring
Rohu Makaio Jahana (Adoptive Brother)
Current Residence
Ginura Village
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
IM HUUUUUUUUNGR- no thats not canon
Known Languages
Draconic, Elvish, and Telepathic.


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