Rohu Makaio Jahana

Big Brother Rohu Makaio Jahana (a.k.a. Guppy)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rohu is fairly tall for his family, but generally an average height. he's thin, with a slightly toned body from mostly running around and climbing.
Currently, Rohu is a set of orange and blue armour. His real body is suspended between life and death in a fey cave.

Body Features

Although not permanent, Rohu's skin is typically decorated with the tattoos that are traditional for the people from Alaio Bay.

Facial Features

Rohu mostly looks like his mother, but has a bit of his father's features as well. His skin is dark, similar to his father's, and his eyes resemble his mother's but are small like his father's. His nose has a wider base and a narrower bridge. His jawline is narrow and pointed.

Identifying Characteristics

Rohu's hair is a mix of coily and curly. It's a medium-dark brown. The top of his head is loose and fluffy, while the bottom half is neatly braided in rows and bunched into a single braid to the side. His ears are in typical Half-Elf fashion, and are slightly pointed. His eyes are a cool shade of purple, which he inherited from his mother.

Physical quirks

Rohu has repeatedly sprained his ankle many times before. Sometimes his ankles make an odd squeaking noise when he steps wrong.
His hands are gangly and fingers are long and calloused. They're well-suited for instrument playing.
He has an unusually high tolerance for warm temperatures and an unusually low tolerance for colder temperatures.

Special abilities

Rohu is like a spooky dullahan now so he could lift up his helmet and throw it around if he wanted to. This feels very weird to him still, so whenever his head lops off his body he either panics and/or tries to get it back immediately.

Apparel & Accessories

Under normal circumstances, Rohu typically wears loose robes that allow for easy air circulation, and a sarashi-like wrapping of cloth around his midriff and chest. Accessories include arm bands, earrings, and bracelets, usually fashioned out of beads, plant materials, or wood. He wears round glasses sometimes, but usually only has them on if he's reading for a prolonged period of time. Since the death of his father, he started to wear darker "stormier" colours.
Currently, as a suit of armour, Rohu's accessories include a string of jars containing miscellaneous keepsakes he picked up before running away from home.

Specialized Equipment

Rohu's armour stores all of his items. He keeps a frog in the chest cavity (which took some getting used to), and his brushes up his sleeve.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rohu was born a few years after   IM THIIIIIIIRSTY     IM TIIIIIIORD" href="/w/assyria-seabreamqueen/a/tarvenius-belhor-jr-person">Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana was brought into the family. Although concieved long before that point, he's considered to be the second oldest of the siblings, following kornari. However, he's still mostly considered to be the most important of all of them to his mother Masae Jahana because he's the oldest trueborn and the next in line for the fish ritual.

Gender Identity

Rohu is a boy and rejects doing anything he deems as "girly". He is, however, an emotional and "soft" person, which he doesn't really have a problem with but definitely will get defensive about it if you tease him. His masculinity is very fragile because he's naturally not very masculine to begin with. He values broship due to how he's lacked in that kind of relationship for most of his life.


Rohu is likely to have had many proposed relationships and dumb first kisses with girls and stuff because he's essentially prince status in Alaio-Ginuran Prefecture. Of course, none of these would have gone anywhere because Rohu is scared of women. He doesn't really consider relationships with boys, and seems to dismiss the thought entirely.


Since early childhood, Rohu has had an affinity for the arts and academic studies. Physical excercises enforced by figures like gym teachers and trainers were his least favourite part of schooling. Rohu skipped out on much of his final year of formal schooling because he spent all of that time avoiding everybody and crying about soon losing his father.


Rohu has never been officially employed for anything, but he has been a full-time big bro to all his younger siblings up until recently. Back home, he spent much of his time taking care of his younger siblings. This work only became more intensive after Makaio became a fish.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rohu is a very skilled artist, who is trained in both the visual arts and music composition and performance. Up until his senior year, he's also been an honour roll student.

Failures & Embarrassments

He feels like he's failed his father because he took his anger out on him instead of trying to understand his wishes. The ritual which Makaio had to do in order to prepare himself for the transformation took several months. This ritual prevented and discouraged Makaio to succumb to his human needs, which meant that he had to use all of his time to hone his mind and body for becoming the fish god's conduit. Rohu, knowing his father's inevitable fate and feeling neglected by him, felt an immeasurable amount of grief and anger even before his father stopped being human. This means that Rohu avoided his father during his final months because it was easier to look away and cry on his own than come to terms with the sacrifice his community desperately needed. Looking back on the situation, Rohu feels he was in the wrong for avoiding his father so much and regrets that he didn't spend more time with him while he still could.

Mental Trauma

Rohu has not been able to get over the transformation of his father, and continues to blame his mother for losing him, and for being stuck in his father's armour. As a teenager, he feels in constant turmoil with himself and the world, which makes him feel things much more intensely than most.
  IM THIIIIIIIRSTY     IM TIIIIIIORD" href="/w/assyria-seabreamqueen/a/tarvenius-belhor-jr-person">Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana is not completely without blame to rohu. He feels an inordinate amount of anger towards her sometimes, and lashes out at her when she does something that irks him. The months leading up to Makaio's transfiguration were extremely hard for Rohu to deal with and he feels that no one was really there for him at that time.   IM THIIIIIIIRSTY     IM TIIIIIIORD" href="/w/assyria-seabreamqueen/a/tarvenius-belhor-jr-person">Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana was away from home for much of that time and Rohu is hurt by how she didn't give him the support he needed.
Adventuring with the likes of Canvas and Navy Bones has made Rohu witness things (such as, men exploding painfully in a slow burst of confetti within them, people getting dissolved alive and still concious as well as moving while in a dissolved state, general excessive violence, children getting punched in the face nearly to death, etc.) that have tainted his perception of the world and have arguably made his outbursts and depressive episodes worse. He's been sheltered for much of his life, and hasn't known much conflict. This means that all the violence and murder shocks him quite a bit.

Intellectual Characteristics

Rohu is a scholarly type and has recieved lots of formal education at school. He might not necessarily be interested in all the things that he had studied in school, but he's great at academics regardless. Mathematics are his worst subject but he excells in language, arts, and sciences.

Morality & Philosophy

Rohu has a strict no-killing-people policy and is very against murder and the like. He has a very poor grasp of how the world works, so he generally has a more positive outlook and will trust strangers for no reason.


Ever since being forced to occupy his father's armour, he's been teased and bullied for being "tubby". People call him tubby and it feels very demeaning, making him feel very sad about his body.

Personality Characteristics


Rohu's purpose at the moment is to spend time away from his mother and do things that she would disapprove of. He wants to show that he's tough, and so he puts himself in dangerous situations. He'd like to get his body back, but the problem with that is how he'd have to confront his mother in order to do so.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He's a very good musician and painter. He's actually quite a good climber and runner when he has to be, but whenever he's told to do so he'll complain about it. Hiding is also something that he's quite good at, as he's spent a lot of time hiding from others to get alone time back home.
Rohu is very bad at demonstrating his strength and being careful in situations out on the town. He tends to spend way too much money when he's allowed to manage his own funds, out of both carelessness and generosity.

Likes & Dislikes

Rohu likes eating plant material, the more obscure and bitter the better. Anything relating to nature will appeal to him because he's been raised around that stuff.
As an artist, Rohu has certain opinions on theatre kids like Canvas . He believes that theatre is kinda cringe but has its place in the art world.

Virtues & Personality perks

Rohu has a strong no-killing policy. He believes that, much like spiderman, that killing is wrong. He cares very much for children, and does do his best to keep them safe even if he doesn't know them personally. Unlike Gladia Fowler, he actually is quite good with young children.

Vices & Personality flaws

He has much difficulty managing his emotions. Being a teenager, he believes that he knows best and tends to blow up at people whenever a sensitive topic comes up.

Personality Quirks

He likes to sleep outside, so that complicates things when the rest of the party gets rooms at an inn. He does have the decency to sleep IN the tavern instead of straight up outside in the street, but he still leaves himself unguarded when resting. In the mornings when people try to wake him up, he will stall for as long as possible and refuse to get up immediately.


About as clean as a normal teenager, however Rohu enjoys bathing and relaxing in hot springs so he's had quite a bit more baths than the average teen in assyria.


Contacts & Relations

  • Rohu's relationship with Kornari has been a little strained recently due to his grudge against her since she had "left him" when he needed her most. He still cares about her but can still be quite mean-spirited towards her as her younger brother. Rohu sees her relationship with their mom Masae Jahana as unfair, because Masae is much harsher towards Rohu than she is with Kornari, despite being the older sibling.
  • Masae Jahana, Rohu's mother, is who Rohu "hates" the most currently. Every opportunity he gets, Rohu will lament about how much he hates her for what she's done. He hates her for being so controlling, hitting him sometimes, turning his dad into a fish, and pushing for him to become a fish next (by way of trapping his soul in the ceremonial armour).
  • Makaio is/was Rohu's beloved father, and he misses him a lot. In a lot of ways he's still in mourning.
  • Rohu hates Mist . No doubt about it, he hates them currently. After their murderous outburst at the Orange Hag tavern, Rohu has not been able to unsee the horrors of that day and is very glad that she has been jailed.
  • Rohu dislikes Tarvenius Belhor Jr because he thinks he is very rude for not watching where he is going most of the time.
  • Rohu likes Jimmy M. Greenis because they're both artists and he believes that they "get" each other. being about the same age, they can relate to each other easily.
  • Rohu dislikes Canvas because they are edgy and cringe. and also v

Social Aptitude

Rohuh is a very charismatic person, and is talkative unless he's in a bad mood. He isn't shy and is open to conversate with people he doesn't know. Rohu's manners are pretty good for the most part, but he tends to be a little demanding and forget to say "please" when asking for things because he's a little spoiled.

Hobbies & Pets

Currently has an unnamed pet frog who sits in his armour. His hobbies include painting, drawing, poetry, singing, playing his instruments, and hanging out with animals.
Rohu's art normally uses the paints from home, which are oil-based and have incredibly vivid colours. However, they're also quite pungent because of the fish oils which are used in them. He also uses the raw pigment itself as a dry medium. He loves to paint and draw typical teenaged things, typically drawing inspiration from fandom-like interests such as gnomestuck and spiderman. Rohu's singing and how he expresses himself through song usually very clearly reveals how he's feeling. Most of the time he will sing about things that are on his mind, and it tends to be quite moody or juvenile.


Has a higher, more immature sounding voice literally Cavetown).


Rohu Makaio Jahana

Adoptive Brother (Important)

Towards Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana



Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana

Adoptive Sister (Vital)

Towards Rohu Makaio Jahana



Wealth & Financial state

Very poor sense of how much money is worth because he's been spoiled as a highborn boy. Might not have that much money on hand, but will spend it like he does.
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Most of his siblings refer to him as their big brother, but kornari and other older people in his life call him by his name. Sometimes, he'll be endearingly called "Guppy".
Date of Birth
April 8th, 495
Circumstances of Birth
Firstborn to Masae Jahana and Makaio
Nhee Kornari Makaio Jahana (Adoptive Sister)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm toned dark
5'5" (5'10")
120 lbs (45 lbs)
Known Languages
Common, Elvish


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