The Iridescent Forest


Forested highlands, high elevation. Clear, fresh water in a handful of small lakes dotted around the area. An especially healthy looking forest, as if manually cared for.


Sprawling, dense coniferous trees that tower over the average person. Inhabited by rabbits, squirrels, small birds, and no predators larger than a typical wolf. High density of large fish residing in the lakes.

Ecosystem Cycles

While the region experiences winters, they are strangely mild, and as a result, animals in this region typically do not hibernate or migrate.


Temperate, experiencing hot summers but only mild winters with little snow.

Natural Resources

Plenty of large pine trees. Dense quantities of gemstones in caves- primarly amethyst. Large quantities of fish.


Uninhabited until Seraphina, the Amethyst Dragon made it her residence after The Great Demonic Incursion. Since then, a handful of draconic races have flocked here to live in its enriched ecosystem.


People might come to see the Amethyst dragon, but there are no real trails leading here.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Included Locations


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