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Civility in Spite of Monstrosities

Riculore is a clockwork city that was constructed dangerously close the the Barren Expanse, and as such is under constant threat of monster attacks. In spite of this, the populace is still able to live relatively normal, safe lives due to the massive walls built around the perimeter of the city as well as the various weapons constantly being created and tested for the continued defense of the people. However, it's not just weapons that are being developed in Riculore; the city has become an epicenter of all kinds of crafts, magic and otherwise. Some of the best artisans across the world have set up shop within the city to take advantage of its unique access to rare materials and resources. Whether it be exotic monster parts, rare metals imported from Pulsatum, or even Ancient curios found within the mountain range to the east, there is always something new import or creation that gets the people of the city abuzz with excitement and inspiration.  

Scavengers of the Stretch

A large piece of what keeps Riculore turning is the many expeditions, commissioned or independent, into the Jagged Stretch. Originally thought as just a simple mountain range, it did not take long for the people to realize that the mountains were, in fact, formerly floating islands that had since fallen from the sky. While some are nothing more than large piles of rock and dirt, and a few contained remnants of settlements made within the last few millennia, there are a notable amount of these mountains that contain Ancient ruins. What lies inside, and what is salvageable for repurposing, is anyone's guess. Thus, many brave or foolish folk have sought out fortune by attempting to become a Scavenger. Guilds were established, certain mountains were claimed, and people continued to flock, but the continuous fear of unearthing something truly dangerous has never left the hearts of the wise.  

City Business

Riculore is the youngest of the four clockwork cities, finalized decades after Venunda had finished its initial phase of construction. The prospect of turning the ruins found there into a proper city were always tantalizing, but the concern of keeping the populace safe while so close to the Expanse had soured the idea for many. However, the plans to make a stronghold of a city as well as the funds to make such plans a reality actually came from outside the Confederation. A well-established Gnomish craft and trading company from Dhulwin, originally known as Bloke & Takle incorporated, put forward the means to establish Riculore, and ingrain themselves in the city's affairs in the process. While Bloke & Takle Inc was dissolved officially, many of the governmental positions are still based on the company's policy and infrastructure. Rather than employing some form of election or representation, government position is determined through low-level job hirings and meritocratic promotion into higher levels of office. The current Chief Executive of the city is one Chunton Nikkal, a young gnomish man who was elevated to the office from his astounding innovations in defensive infrastructure repairs on the most compromised parts of the outer wall. While he is known for an optimistic attitude, he has begun to raise more awareness about the growing whitelands and the increased monster presence because of it.  

Gnomes on the Rise

With such a high-profile company spear-heading the Riculore project, a large gnomish population was attracted to immigrate to Ilkatu. While there was some gnomish presence in the continent before the Confederation, it was really the establishment of the clockwork cities combined with their exports of various metallurgy that caused the massive influx of gnomes to the continent. In the centuries since, gnomes have become one of the more common races in Ilkatu, with Riculore housing a great many of them.
Population: ~7 million   Common Demographics: Gnome, Human, Aarocockra, Loxodon, Orc, Kenku   Territory: The plains east of the Iwara river and across the Jagged Stretch   Most Common Start to a Joke in Riculore: "So a Gnome, an Orc, and a Kenku walk into a bar..."


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