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Construction Basics

Construction refers to the building of something, usually large architectural structures, such as a house or a stronghold. As you progress through the campaign, you may find that you want to upgrade your accommodations, or build a defensive fort. Players may invest coin and labour into building structures for the betterment of themselves and the communities therein. More access to buildings and structures, means more spaces for specialized trades and activities to take place, as well as vacant dwellings for immigrants, and defense. Construction is loosely based off of rules found Here.
  All player built structures will get added to their own thread in player-housing-rp, which will act as the RP instance for the structure.
  To keep things simple and not overburden the players or the DM, some systems in construction will be generalized. This is also a working concept that may change over the course of our campaign, as the need arises to add, remove and rebalance features.
  First you must determine where you want to build and ensure the land is suitable to be built upon. Any rubble, debris, foliage or nature in the way of your building site will need to first be cleared, and the land must also be leveled. Most of Astara is unclaimed, especially since the calamity, therefore people can usually build where they like. However, if you're in a city or within the borders of a kingdom, you may need to have a building permit or land deed in order to own or build property - consult with the DM to find out about the location you've chosen. Once you have found a location, you can follow the instructions in the Construction Guide to prepare the land and begin building.
  Cost and construction time is based upon a rough estimation of the size of your structure. See the building size table below:
  Buildings are typically built one level at a time. You may build multiple floors, but will need to start the Construction Guide process over again for each additional floor. As well, additional upper floors cannot have larger dimensions than the floor beneath it (not structurally sound). You may also build additional levels, or "rooms", adjacent to your existing ground floor.
  Small Site - 2000 GP, 5 days construction time.
  Medium Site - 5000 GP, 10 days construction time
  Large Site - 10,000 GP, 20 days construction time
  Extra Large Site - 25,000 GP, 30 days construction time
  Keep in mind, this is just a general rule of thumb for most constructions. If you would like to build something outside of the norm, consult the DM. On top of the material cost listed above, you have the construction time which is the amount of downtime labour hours required to complete the structure. You can choose to either do this labour time yourself, or get hirelings to build it for you, while you wait the construction time. However, hirelings for construction are not cheap, and will increase the total cost of the building by 50%. For example, a small building (normally 2000gp) would cost 3000gp if built by hirelings.
  Buildings and structures, when complete, are unfurnished. Players may decorate and furnish their homes however they wish; finding, crafting or buying items from merchants (see prices listed on D&D Beyond). Buildings may also be repaired, dismantled and salvaged as well, see Repairing, Dismantling & Salvaging for more.
Guide, How-to


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