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Fast Travel

Fast Travel refers to travel specifically used to traverse the campaign's world rather than the inside of a level. Sometimes in-game time passes while fast traveling, while in other cases the travel is simply implied or the player is teleported by magical or technological means (if available to the players). Fast travel can have many uses in game, such as travel to and from in game sessions, but also used in your downtime for Trading.  
Fast travel is based on three things: speed, travel pace and navigation. If you are using a caravan, vehicle or mount of any kind, use the vehicle's speed over your own for calculation. By foot, travel pace is calculated as followed:  
Once you have created a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting), follow the steps below to Fast Travel (used in Trading):
  1. Declare where you'd like to travel and at what pace, the DM will tell you the distance. You must wait the required number of days in downtime, before reaching your destination.
  2. Pre-emptively pay required costs / supply - ie, lifestyle expenses, paid wages, cost of travel, etc.
  3. Make a Wisdom (Survival) check for navigation. If you're traveling at a fast pace, roll with disadvantage. DMs consult the diagram above for the navigation DC based on terrain.
  4. If you miss your location, you just simply pay the additional costs of travel and make another navigation check to continue to your destination.
  5. Positive encounters may include rewards, however negative encounters may be costly. In game you may have to fight a band of goblins, or jump a gap in the road. In text rp you would be given a roll to make depending on the encounter, which determines how you or your hireling fair.


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