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Trading (in this context) refers to the larger, wholesale market, and mass movement of goods. This differs from personal bartering and selling of inventory items, which can be done in text RP at any available shop (ie The Exalted Elixir).
  Sometimes an adventurer just wants to settle down and run a business for a while, out on the open road with a Trade Caravan worth of goods they've amassed. Caravaneering on the Trade Routes can be a lucrative opportunity. The guide below will show you how to run a trade caravan:
  Once you have created a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting), follow the steps below to start Trading:   First, declare what you're trading and where you'd like to trade it. Also declare if you're using a hireling, and pay all pre-emptive travel costs. If you have intel on a good trading location, make your scarcity check with advantage.
  Caravans - RP Type: Private (away)
  1. First you must have access to a Trade Caravan & Beasts of Burden. Next, Fast Travel to your destination, there is no need to make a separate thread for these checks, make them within the same thread. Even if you're using a hireling, make all checks on their behalf using your attributes.
  2. You must wait the actual time it takes to get there as explained in Fast Travel. You only need to make this check once (on the way there).
  3. Roll for and resolve any encounters that occur, positive encounters while trading could mean a good deal. Negative encounters could mean highway robbery!
  4. Now that you've arrived, roll a D20 + Charisma modifier to find out the scarcity of your product in the local market (DC determined by DM). This will determine how much you're likely to make, and items with higher average scarcities tend to sell for more (see Farmer's Catalogue).
  5. Last, roll both a Persuasion and a Performance check, and you may make one of them with advantage if the item is scarce or rarer. The DM will determine your results from the combination of these rolls. Typical DCs are: ?, 10, 10 (where ? depends on typical scarcity of the good). 0/3 passes = 0% profit (no sales), 1/3 passes = - 50% profit (undersold), 2/3 passes = expected profit (at scarcity level), and 3/3 passes = 2x profit (at scarcity level).
  6. Consult the DM before you resolve the scenario and head back home, you may be able to purchase items to take back in the caravan!
Guide, How-to


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