BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Popular among bards, performing entails entertaining the masses and collecting tips. You might sing in a tavern, recite poetry in a grand hall, or paint a fresco. Like other workers crafts, reputation (see Crafting Basics) is important and influences the environments you work in, the caliber of the people you work with, and how much you stand to gain.
  Essentially, reputation exists in the background of your daily life. It is the biggest determinant of how much coin you make as a worker, and thus is an important thing to keep track of. Everyone understandably begins as nobody, in the lowest rung of Reputation Level One (see table below). With every successful work day, you advance one rung on the ladder and with every failure, you fall one rung. There are three rungs to the ladder in every Reputation Level, so it would take three consecutive successes for a nobody to enter Reputation Level Two. Naturally, as you enter higher Reputation Levels the expectations of you increase. This means it is easier to fail, but the rewards for success are greater. Because Reputation Level Three is so difficult to obtain those who manage it are given the boon of a special bonus that applies universally. However it does take work to maintain an impeccable reputation, so every real life day that the character lounges around at home instead of adventuring or working will negatively impact their reputation, dropping them one rung on the ladder. This can only reduce a reputation that is in Level Three, and it can only reduce it to the third rung of Level Two.
  Once you have created a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting), follow the rules below to start working:
  1. Working a profession assumes you already own the necessary tools (or instruments) to do so. Proficiency with the tool is not required, but would be an asset.
  2. Declare what job you're working & where, then roll a D20 plus any pertinent proficiencies (see below) on the reputation table below to see your result for that day.
  3. You may repeat this each day you work, with missed days of work affecting your reputation (as explained above).
  4. Consult the DM if you have any critical successes or failures (Nat 1 or 20).

Guide, How-to


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