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Crafting Basics

During a day that is not spent adventuring a player may spend their time pursuing gainful employment or furthering personal projects. This encompasses a great many things including crafting, one of the more commonly fruitful ones. Downtime activities other than the ones presented below are possible. If you want your character to spend his or her downtime performing an activity not covered here, discuss it with your DM .
  There are six types of tasks that can be pursued in a day, and they are broken into two categories. The Artisans Loop which entails any profession which seeks to create items, and The Worker's Loop which entails any profession which seeks to make gold. The Artisans Loop generally requires a larger time investment, but sees grander rewards than the fast gold employment of the Worker's Loop.

The Artisans Loop

The Artisan Crafts include:
  Certain professions will require certain tools to work, and proficiencies with those skills will be an asset. See Crafting Components for component prices.

The Workers Loop

The Workers Crafts Include:

The Workers Loop is fundamentally different than the Artisans Loop, but it is no less interesting. Here the value is in what you can do instead of what you can make, so the value of your time is intrinsically tied to your own skills and the public's perception of them. Because of this, reputation plays a big part in success as a worker. Reputation informs the environments you work in, the caliber of the people you work with, and the weight of their purses. Each of the three generalised professions in the workers loop has it's own ladder to climb, and you can progress each of them separately. Each success or blunder in your career will affect your reputation.


  Essentially, reputation exists in the background of your daily life. It is the biggest determinant of how much coin you make as a worker, and thus is an important thing to keep track of. Everyone understandably begins as nobody, in the lowest rung of Reputation Level One. With every successful work day, you advance one rung on the ladder and with every failure, you fall one rung. There are three rungs to the ladder in every Reputation Level, so it would take three consecutive successes for a nobody to enter Reputation Level Two. Naturally, as you enter higher Reputation Levels the expectations of you increase. This means it is easier to fail, but the rewards for success are greater. Because Reputation Level Three is so difficult to obtain those who manage it are given the boon of a special bonus that applies universally. However it does take work to maintain an impeccable reputation, so every real life day that the character lounges around at home instead of adventuring or working will negatively impact their reputation, dropping them one rung on the ladder. This can only reduce a reputation that is in Level Three, and it can only reduce it to the third rung of Level Two.

Along with reputation is retribution, the consequences for getting caught committing any nefarious deeds. Different retribution levels have varying severities of punishments associated. See Skullduggery for more information.
  Please consult Downtime Rules for how to structure your text rp.
Guide, How-to


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