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Session 7 - Pilfered Potions

General Summary

Someone or something has been stealing Uump's alchemical ingredients and potions for a week or so now. He has petitioned the militia to seek out the thief, but they can’t spare the time for petty theft. After even more was stolen last night Ummp has offered a hefty reward for someone to stop this nefarious naerdowell. He wants the perpetrator brought back alive, with a considerable bonus for returning his property intact.
  The contract requests that the party come to Ummp’s shack and investigate further. Picking up the contract off of the quest board, Lou Garow , Ivangelo and Tike Myson decide to pay Uump a visit to see if they can lend a hand.

A man in the shape of a bear, Ummp is a naturalist through and through. He is an impassioned alchemist who is always experimenting with all manner of questionable things and nameless "ingredients", and has been the Bastion's source of potions for quite some time. As the party arrives at his modest shack, Uump explains his predicament, saying he suspects either Baxos Delmirev due to his seedy reputation or the frog fishermen that gather around the Darkpool, due to the fact that they abuptly stopped trading with Uump which seems suspicious.
  Uump allows the party to enter his home and search for any clues. The party notices that the windows would be very difficult to sneak in through and the door lock is not forced. None of the gold or valuable possessions of Ummp have been disturbed. The potions and alchemy ingredients are the only thing that was touched. Some of the roofing of the shack seems to be loose. Upon closer investigation, a group of panels have been unseated and can be removed silently and with ease. This seems to be how whatever it was has been getting in. Finally, the party finds a collection of barely visible tiny three fingered handprints in the moisture on the wall of the shack, leading up to it’s roof.
  With two leads to go off of and some interesting clues from the shack, the party proceeds down toward the darkpool to question the frog fishermen. Near the dark pool the party is met with a group of Grung, seemingly led by a Kuo Tao. Using the comprehend languages spell, Ivangelo attempts to communicate with the Kuo Tao, though the spell only allows communication one way and Ivangelo's best attempt at charades is not enough to glean any substantial information from the creature.

  Turning to their second lead, the party decides to track down Baxos Delmirev. Usually a difficult character to find, this time he is easily found at the site of the newly completed Pit Fighting ring at the Bastion. Having funded the completion of this project, Baxos now runs the fighting ring and runs bets on its combatants. The party watches a fight between an orc brawler and a human martial artist, while taking bets. Meanwhile, Tike notices a shadowy robed figure observing the fight from the back of the crowd. Pretending to trip a drunken patron, Tike knocks over the figure exposing their face and neckline, a pale elf with a tattoo of a black sun on their chest, they quickly flee the scene.
  After the fight, the party questions Baxos about Uumps missing goods. Baxos denies any involvement in the robbery and reveals that his stores were stolen from too. Ivangelo's high insight reveals that he is telling the truth. Baxos seems glad the theft is being pursued, and offers his own reward if the players can prove they killed the perpetrator.
  Heading back to the darkpool, the party convinces Uump to provide them with a Potion of Tongues, in order to interrogate the frog fishermen. Upon returning there, Ivangelo questions the same Kuo Tao, who now understands what Ivangelo is speaking. During the line of questioning, the Kuo Tao gets increasingly nervous when asked how they procure their ingredients used for fishing bait, until suddenly he panics and jumps into the dark pool.
  Pursuing the creature leads the party underwater to a secret cavern beneath the Dark Pool, which is occupied by a group of Sahuagin. It would appear as if though the frog fishermen serve this invasive group of Sahuagin, as the cavern floor is littered with the remains of stolen alchemy ingredients, food and potions. Upon approaching a fight ensues, while the furthest Sahuagin begins mixing a potion. Like a violent game of water polo, Tike throws devastating blows at his oppoents while swimming amongst them. Meanwhile, using a potion of water breathing, Ivangelo remains underwater exchanging spells with a Sahuagin mage. After clearing their foes, they approach the final Sahuagin, whom after drinking the potion he was mixing gains incredible speed. However, this speed was no match for the party as they destroy him.

Having finally found (and killed) the perpetrators, the party follows the cavern to a different exit - a secret entrance that connects to the larder of the Old World Inn. Returning to Uump, he is reluctant to give a reward since they did not capture the thieves alive, however due to the party's expert negotiating skills, they convice him otherwise - obtaining 300GP and 1 Potion of Giant Size. In addition, the party returns to Baxos to collect their reward from him as well, gaining another 1500GP for a job well done.
Report Date
28 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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