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The naerdowells profession, swindling entails unlawfully duping the common folk out of their hard earned coin. It thus carries some of the greatest risks of all activities. You might pick pockets, sell snake oil, or even mug hapless citizens. Once you have created a thread in downtime-rp (see Downtime Rules for rules and formatting) you may roll a D20 plus any pertinent proficiencies on the reputation table below to see your result. See Crafting Basics for more details on reputation.
  Skullduggery is unique, granting opportunities to seize great wealth... at even greater risk. Nothing gained through Skullduggery is freely given, and those you take from will be highly inclined to seek retribution through any channels available. Peasants might implore the town guards for aid or form a mob, merchants may hire mercenaries to put an end to your shenanigans, and if you become a big enough problem the crown may even bankroll specialists to hunt you down. This utilises the same Reputation Ladder as in Crafting Basics. The key to being successful at skullduggery is knowing when to quit when you're ahead. Better to make ends meet as a petty criminal who lives than a legendary one who does not, eh? Those who fail to exercise caution in this inherently dangerous profession most often end up dead. Pursue Skullduggery at your own risk - it can suddenly and permanently end characters.


  The consequences for your nefarious deeds have caught up to you, and it's time to face the music... if they can catch you. The net is closing around you now, and this is the last opportunity you will get to sneak freedom from the clutches of captivity. You will make one final roll - a "Retribution! Saving Throw" to try and escape justice. If you fail you will feel the heavy hand of the law, and If the crimes were severe enough this may be the last save your character will ever get. Do not underestimate what is at stake. However not all crimes are equal, and much is the same with their punishments. The Skullduggery table to the right has different colours associated with the retribution you might face, depicting severity. You should not expect to be executed from Green Retribution, but if you should find yourself staring down Crimson Retribution... expect no mercy. Not all criminals captured for the same crime face the same punishment, as represented by the degrees of failure and their associated retributions - Don't be the fall guy. Below are explanations of the Retribution! Saving Throws.

This retribution saving throw is your last chance to escape your punishment. If you succeed the save you manage to escape just under the wire. If not you face the punishments associated.
Guide, How-to


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