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The Multiverse

The multiverse is the sum total of all possible worlds and realities. The exact shape of the multiverse, the connections between worlds, and means of travel between those worlds are arbitrary, highly subjective, and vary based on the perspective of the inhabitants of different worlds. The multiverse is described as a transfinite expanse of mind-boggling immensity. The shape of the vast cosmology of planes is practically impossible for an individual to objectively observe. The question of how the multiverse was created, and by whom, and why, is largely unknown. A myriad of cultures each have their own creation mythologies, often attributing the creation of reality to powerful or divine beings or a natural progression of nature.
  In Faerun and the Forgotten Realms, a popular model of the multiverse is known as the Great Wheel, which describes the relationship of the plane with some accuracy. It includes the Material Plane where people live; the Inner Planes, which are the four basic elements of which other matter is ultimately made; the Outer Planes, arranged in an outer ring of infinite realms where the gods reside; and the transitive planes, which connect planes together. Outside of these lie other smaller spaces, such as demiplanes and extradimensional spaces. The Material Plane is usually now considered a single realm containing all physical planets, which it is possible to physically travel between. An older interpretation still popular in many circles describes different worlds as parallel material planes, leading to terminology such as "Prime Material Plane" for one's own home world.
  Various methods allow travel between worlds of the multiverse. It is possible to transfer from one plane to another, one world to another, and between multiple versions of reality. The most popular methods of planar travel include spells such as plane shift and gate, as well as Rune Gates which allow movement within & between worlds. A Spelljamming Ship also allows travel between material worlds through a medium known as phlogiston. Strong magical phenomena, such as The Echo, may also act as a means of transport (see Travelers).

So where are we?

  The world of Astara is not located in the diagram above, instead, Astara and its inhabitants exist in an entirely separate reality with its own multiverse. This alternate reality sometimes loosely resembles bits of reality you may be familiar with from other planes or dimensions and exists parallel yet entirely separate from the players homelands or other known lands on a metaphysical level. Due to this, travel between Astara and your homelands/other settings (ie, Faerun, Eberron, Krynn, etc.) is much more strenuous as it involves crossing over into another reality / timeline. Travel in this way is unheard of, aside from a rare event called The Echo, through individuals called Travelers are unexpectedly merged into another reality due to resonant energy. However, you can still use the aforementioned ways to travel within the multiverse in the reality you reside.
Metaphysical, Astral


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