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The Jizar (Gee-zar)

The Jizar is Kinar's main source of income and the foundation of Kinar's influence in Eviandir. As an information broker, there is little that the Jivar does not know about the other nations of Eviandir. They are interested in any knowledge innocuous or world-changing and will sell this information to whoever pays for it. There are rules and guidelines that the guild follows in regards to the share of information, as well as services that can be bought in regard to sharing or not sharing that information.


The organization of the Jizar has evolved as time has moved on allowing for more complexities in how information is handled internally. The Voiceless works as a curator of the most important information gathered by the Jizar. Their job is to find the information that will have the biggest impact and present it to the Guild Masters for discussion on its uses.    The Hand works to make sure that the Voiceless has more time to curate the important information by taking care of the minutia of running the Jizar. Learning these things is essential training for a future Voiceless because there are still matters that the head must approve, and it is the best way to learn where their system is being abused or has leaks.   Everyone in the Jizar gets paid, so the treasury department handles all matters money related, be it gold intake or paychecks. The treasurer's responsibility is to make budget reports and approve pricing on various bits of information. Brokers work closely with the treasurers to ensure that the guild is making a profit, and with the archivists to find the relevant available information for a client. Brokers are important pieces of the Jizar business model because they create a central point of contact and help separate the gatherers and archivists from having too much work.   Archivists and Gatherers probably work together the most as they are each needed to make sure that the information is found and organized.  
  • The Voiceless
  • The head of the Jizar is not only in charge of overseeing the guild, and its organization, but they are also one of the ruling members of Kinar.
  • Next in command - The Guild Master's Hand
  • Often the Guild Master's Hand is tasked with the general upkeep of the guild in order to alleviate the burden of the Guild Master. Generally, it is assumed that the Hand is being groomed to become the next Master. There have only been a few instances where this is not the case.
  • Treasurer
  • Responsible for managing the guild funds and keeping all members paid.
  • Brokers
  • These are the people that generally sell the information to various clients, and the faces of the guild.
  • Gatherers
  • The most important part of the guild, and the ones that find the information needed to make the rest function. Most of the time people are unaware of the identity of a gatherer to ensure that they have the greatest chance of success in retrieving any information.
  • Archivists
  • These are the heroes of the Jizar as the ones that maintain the obtuse information filing system, and keep track of all the accumulated knowledge the Jizar finds.

Public Agenda

The Jizar seek out any and all information in order to sell it to interested parties so that the people of Kinar may thrive despite the conditions of the expanse.


After The Enduring Gloom robbed Tetin and was unable to make the knowledge they stole work for Kinar, they sold the information for a very large sum. At that time in Kinar it was enough for all the members to live a modest life without fear of starvation in the desolate expanse, but in Kinar this was a rarity. Others flocked to the Enduring Gloom asking how they achieved this, and how they might as well.   Speaking to the others the Enduring Gloom realized that there was one resource that the people of Kinar had in abundance thanks to their lives of thievery, information. After coming to this realization the Enduring Gloom began to gather interested parties and work to gain clientele that would pay top dollar for the information that they had accumulated.   This organically grew into the Jivar, which was an important building block for the nation of Kinar in the Expanse.
Founding Date
9,200 AC
Information Network
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles


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