The Bannermanes General Timeline

General history of the Bannermanes during the Founding Era

Era of Fear

... 0

Name is a WIP

  • 175

    5 Mors

    The Original Bannermanes are formed

    The Original Bannermanes as a party are formed between Queen Amenta, Crucible, Wildfire, Semitone, Nevermore, and Rime.

    More reading
    The Bannermanes
  • 200

    5 Lashie

    The Bannermanes Are Formed

    The Bannermanes officially grew from what was one adventuring group, to a proper guild to span across settlements after the original party had sealed away Morlog in consequence to his attack on Bleakburn.


Founding Era

  • 0

    5 Lashie

    The Bannermanes Are Formed

    The Bannermanes officially grew from what was one adventuring group, to a proper guild to span across settlements after the original party had sealed away Morlog in consequence to his attack on Bleakburn.

  • 4

    15 First Book

    5 Lashie

    The Textile Construction
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of The Textile as a cultural icon and official headquarters for The Bannermanes

    The Textile
  • 5

    5 Lashie

    The Flag of Astillon is Created

    The Founding of Astillon as a nation, and the naming of Bleakburn as its capital.

  • 10

    17 Bright Moon

    The Great Oasis is Purified
    Geological / environmental event

    The Great Oasis above Dakilai is blessed by Queen Amenta to remain a pure water source for the surrounding settlements of the desert just after that year's Festival of Wayward Whispers

  • 10

    17 Bright Moon

    The Fronds of the Oasis are Founded

    The Fronds of the Oasis chapter in Bellmare are formed to protect and ensure the blessings of the Oasis remain pure and untainted.

  • 302

    5 Lashie

    Doctor Amden Becomes Mainstitch
    Cultural event

    Doctor Amden becomes the new Mainstitch of Bleakburn, naming his chapter The Sacred Skeins

  • 310

    25 Solis

    Tabu Becomes Mainstitch
    Cultural event

    Tabu retires his work as an adventurer, founding a popular adventuring hotel and guild known as The High Rollers in Dakilai

  • 325

    1 Bright Moon

    Shen Becomes Mainstitch
    Cultural event

    Shen becomes the Mainstitch of Wati, holding to it's original chapter name, "The Guardians of the Departed"

  • 352

    1 Bright Moon

    Gathering at Wati
    Discovery, Exploration

    Something strange began happening within the walls of the Necropolis of Wati. Amden and Bannermanes from all around trusted with the task are sent in to further investigate

  • 352

    2 Bright Moon

    Adventurers Go Missing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After being sent out to investigate happenings in Wati, certain adventuring groups failed to return. Though most write this off as being part of the line of work for adventurers, others still have their doubts.

  • 355

    1 First Book

    Bannermanes Teleportation Network Construction Begins
    Construction beginning/end

    Doctor Amden, in collaboration with other chapters, begins his project to bring teleportation circles to major cities.
