Citadella Settlement in Astora | World Anvil
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The Southern Point

Citadella is the oldest of the four cities. Citadella was originally founded as a miners community. Clans of dwarves have mined the Aurus mountains for centuries, ultimately resulting in most of the resources above sea level being depleted. As they delved deeper into the roots of the mountains, more took up residence in the abandoned shafts above, and thus Citadella was born.   Due to its being hidden inside of a mountain, it has served as the primary manufacturing center for the United Cities since its inception, as well as the seat of military power. The most central building in the city is the First Fortress. From here, the Warmaster Nestok rules the city and the army.   Surrounding the fortress is an array of shops, forges, smithies, and the like. Those closest to the fortress are more expensive, and thus reserved for the masters of their crafts. Few people actually live in the city proper; instead, the majority live in the upper mineshafts, those that have long been mined dry and converted to dwellings.  

Entering the City

Citadella has two main entrances. The first is on the south-east side of the mountain, near the Second Fortress. This entrance is not well known, and is not usually heavily guarded. The north entrance, on the other hand, is more opulent, and connects to the main road. To enter the city, you must first pass under 6 gold arches, each inlaid with thousands of gemstones, followed by a red-lit mural depicting the history of the city as well as other historically important events.  

The First Fortress

The First Fortress lies in the center of Citadella. The entire cavern in which Citadella is built is dwarf made, rather than a geological feature. The dwarves planned on the fortress as they dug out the cavern. As such, the entire fortress, armories, barracks for 800+, walls, offices, libraries, is all carved out of the stone. It is one with itself, and one with the earth on which it rests.
Once upon a time, the forges of Citadella struggled to keep up with the demand for military equipment and civilian goods, while also keeping construction of The Wall on track, and so the citizenry suffered with broken and aged tools. Following the completion of the wall six years ago, however, more resources have been able to be directed to consumer goods, leading to a number of advances.
  • Population of roughly 10,000-12,000
  • Host to two full battalions- the Warmaster's personal First Battalion, and the Sixteenth "Trainee" Battalion. 
Though technically the four cities work together in the implementation of new laws and taxes, with each having an equal say, Nestok has a disproportionate amount of power, being both the highest ranking member of the military, leader of a city, and in control of manufacturing.

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