Alchemical Reagents

The following reagents are purified through long processes from their raw states for use in alchemical recipes. Each alchemical reagent may also be used as an alchemical power component, augmenting the effects of certain spells when used as an additional material component or focus. Using a reagent as an alchemical power component requires a number of doses of the reagent, affects only spells that meet the listed criteria, and augments only an effect the spell already produces (for example, you can use black powder as an alchemical power component only for a spell that deals energy damage). Reagents do not stack with either themselves or one another.   Spells followed by an (M) expend the alchemical item as a material component.   Spells followed by an (F) use the item as a focus and do not expend it.   In both cases, the alchemical item does not have its normal effect and does not affect any other parameters of the spell. You cannot use the same item as both a focus and a material component at the same time.  


Price: 10 gp; Weight: 1 lb.   A common flask of acid has many uses as a power component, particularly with attack spells.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (10 gp)
Spells: Acid Arrow, Acid Fog, Acid Splash, Dispel Magic, Grease, Wall Of Ice
Effect: Acid can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Acid Arrow (M): The spell’s acid lasts 1 round longer than normal.
  • Acid Fog (M): The fog’s radius and height increase by 5 feet.
  • Acid Splash (F): The spell deals +1 point of damage.
  • Acid Splash (M): The spell lasts 1 round longer than normal.
  • Dispel Magic (M): Using acid as a material component while attempting to dispel or counterspell a spell or effect with the earth subtype gives you a +2 bonus on your dispel check. This bonus applies whether you are using Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, or some other spell that you can use for counterspelling (for example, if you have the Improved Counterspell feat).
  • Grease (M): The grease is acidic and deals 1 point of acid damage per round to any creature in the area or holding the greased Object.
  • Wall Of Ice (M): For each flask of acid used as a power component, you may designate one 10-foot square of ice wall that, if Broken through, deals 1d6 acid damage in addition to the normal cold damage.

Alchemical Grease

Price: 5 gp; Weight: 1 lb.   This substance is good for augmenting spells affecting or creating surfaces.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (5 gp)
Spells: Grease, Sleet Storm, Wall of Iron, Wall Of Stone
Effect: Alchemical grease can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Grease (M): Increase the Reflex Save DC for affected creatures and the Escape Artist bonus for greased armor by 1.
  • Sleet Storm (M): Increase the Acrobatics DC by 1.
  • Wall of Iron (M): For each pot of grease used as a power component, you may designate one 10-foot square of iron wall as being slippery (+5 to Climb DCs).
  • Wall Of Stone (M): For each pot of grease used as a power component, you may designate one 10-foot square of the spell’s stone wall as being slippery (+5 to Climb DCs).

Alchemist's Fire

Price: 20 gp; Weight: 1 lb.   This dwarven favorite can make fire spells last longer.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (20 gp)
Spells: Burning Hands, Fireball, Flaming Sphere, Protection from Energy, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray
Effect: Alchemist's fire can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Burning Hands (M): One target that fails its Reflex saving throw (your choice) catches on fire as if it has been struck by alchemist’s fire.
  • Fireball (M): One target per Caster Level that fails its Reflex saving throw (your choice) catches on fire as if it has been struck by alchemist’s fire.
  • Flaming Sphere (M): Any creature damaged by a flaming sphere catches on fire as if it has been struck by alchemist’s fire.
  • Protection from Energy (M): If cast to ward against cold, increase the amount of cold damage absorbed by 5.
  • Resist Energy (M): If cast to ward against cold, increase the Cold Resistance to 12. At Caster Level 7th, you may use two flasks of alchemist’s fire as a power component to increase the Cold Resistance to 24. At Caster Level 11th, you may use three flasks as a power component to increase the Cold Resistance to 36.
  • Scorching Ray (F): Add a +1 Circumstance Bonus on your attack roll with all rays from the spell.
  • Scorching Ray (M): Any target damaged by a scorching ray catches on fire as if it has been struck by alchemist’s fire.


Price: 50 gp; Weight:  Certain healing spells have greater effects when used with this substance.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (50 gp)
Spells: Heroes' Feast, Remove Disease
Effect: Antiplague can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Heroes' Feast (M): For each vial of antiplague used as a power component, one creature eating the feast gains the benefits of antiplague for 12 hours. Antiplague’s normally foul taste does not change the taste of the feast. Remove Disease (M): Add +2 on your Caster Level check to cure diseases on the target.


Price: 50 gp; Weight:  Like antiplague, this substance can augment certain healing spells.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (50 gp)
Spells: Neutralize Poison
Effect: Antitoxin can be used as a power component in the following ways:

Black Powder

Price: 10 gp; Weight:  Black powder is a volatile explosive and is the primary component in fireworks and other explosives.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (10 gp)
Spells: Evocation school
Effect: +1 energy damage


Price: 40 gp; Weight:  Weapons and armor aren’t the only things bladeguard (see page 9) protects.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (40 gp)
Spells: Wall of Iron
Effect: Bladeguard can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Wall of Iron (M): For each pot of bladeguard used as a power component, you may designate one 10-foot square of iron wall that has Acid Resistance 10 and immunity to rusting attacks.


Price: 5 sp; Weight:  Brimstone, also called sulfur, has a distinctive odor and caustic properties.
Power Component
Doses: 2 (1 gp)
Spells: acid descriptor
Effect: +1 acid damage

Cold Iron

Price: 1 gp; Weight:  Cold Iron is often used to produce alloyed metals, catalysts, and items that interfere with magic.
Power Component
Doses: 5 (5 gp)
Spells: Abjuration school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of Caster Level and dispel checks

Cooperation Crystals

Price: 300 gp; Weight:  This vibrant blue-green crystal is a distillation of the spirit of cooperation characteristic of the chaotic good plane of the Blessed Fields of Elysium.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (300 gp)
Spells: harmless spells
Effect: When you use a cooperation crystal as a material component or focus for a harmless spell, treat your Caster Level as 1 higher for the purpose of determining the spell’s duration and effect. This increase doesn’t stack with other effects that raise the Caster Level of a spell.

Cytillesh Spores

Price: 5 gp; Weight:  The spore of the cytillesh fungus is a versatile reagent, and is often combined with other poisonous elements to create deliriums, hallucinogens, and psychotics.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (5 gp)
Spells: Charm or Compulsion subschool
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of duration


Price: 2 gp; Weight:  The bark of the Darkwood tree is useful in numerous alchemical applications, especially those that require a light but strong foundation.
Power Component
Doses: 5 (10 gp)
Spells: Creation subschool
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of the effect

Dew of Lunary

Price: 4 gp; Weight:  Dew of lunary is derived from a potent herb. It is commonly used in the creation of medicinal, protective, and divinatory items.
Power Component
Doses: 5 (20 gp)
Spells: Divination school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of effect

Fire Fragment

Price: 350 gp; Weight:  This small, reddish crystal shard flickers with a brilliant, dancing flame—a representation of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (350 gp)
Spells: Fire spells
Effect: When you use a fire fragment as a material component or focus for a spell that deals fire damage, that spell is affected as per the Flaring Spell metamagic feat (though this does not increase the spell slot that the spell uses), and you treat your Caster Level as 1 higher for the purpose of determining the spell’s damage.

Flash Powder

Price: 50 gp; Weight:  Useful as a distraction, flash powder makes light-burst spells more dangerous.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (50 gp)
Spells: Flare, Pyrotechnics
Effect: Flash powder can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Flare (M): Increase the saving throw DC of the spell by 2.
  • Pyrotechnics (M): When used to create fireworks, increase the DC by 1 and the blindness duration by 1 round.

Ginger Extract

Price: 5 sp; Weight:  In addition to serving as a spice and as an alchemical reagent, ginger extract has a wide variety of uses in herbal remedies that treat nausea and pain.
Power Component
Doses: 10 (5 gp)
Spells: Transmutation school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of overcoming Spell Resistance


Price: 5 gp; Weight:  In its purest form, gold is a dense, nonreactive metal. Its alchemical products are useful in stains and in treating swelling, pain, and infections.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (5 gp)
Spells: Healing subschool
Effect: +1 hit point healed

Heavenly Quartz

Price: 250 gp; Weight:  This fragment appears to be made of glass and gold and emits gleaming light, reminiscent of the Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (250 gp)
Spells: good or lawful spells with a Will saving throw
Effect: When you use a Heavenly quartz as a material component or focus for a spell with the good or lawful descriptor that requires affected creatures to attempt a Will saving throw, increase the DC of that saving throw by 1; if the spell has both the good and lawful descriptors, treat the spell’s Caster Level as if it were 1 higher for the purpose of Caster Level checks and dispel checks.

Itching Powder

Price: 60 gp; Weight: 2 lbs.   This powder can make an otherwise innocuous spell especially irritating.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (60 gp)
Spells: Glitterdust, Repel Vermin, Summon Swarm
Effect: Itching powder can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Glitterdust (M): For each packet of itching powder used as a power component, you may designate one creature in the area to be affected by itching powder (DC 12).
  • Repel Vermin (M): The first vermin that enters the emanation is subject to the effects of itching powder (DC 15). Each packet of itching powder beyond the first means the spell affects another vermin that enters the emanation. A swarm of vermin counts as one vermin for the purpose of this effect.
  • Summon Swarm (M): Increase the swarm’s distraction DC by 2.

Liquid Ice

Price: 40 gp; Weight: 2 lbs.   This substance augments cold magic.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (40 gp)
Spells: Cone of Cold, Gentle Repose, Ray of Frost, Protection from Energy, Resist Energy
Effect: Liquid ice can be used as a power component in the following ways:


Price: 1 gp; Weight:  Magnesium is an extremely light and reactive metal that burns brightly when exposed to air. It is important for all living things, especially plants.
Power Component
Doses: 2 (2 gp)
Spells: Transmutation school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of duration

Mugwort Extract

Price: 2 gp; Weight:  Many varieties of mugwort exist; some are used in acupuncture, while others are key ingredients in herbal remedies that ward off fatigue, cold, or even supernatural dangers.
Power Component
Doses: 2 (4 gp)
Spells: Abjuration school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of range


Price: 5 sp; Weight:  Myrrh is an aromatic gum used as a base for alchemical remedies and as a sticky bonding agent.
Power Component
Doses: 4 (2 gp)
Spells: Abjuration school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of Caster Level checks and dispel checks


Price: 15 gp; Weight:  When used as an alchemical reagent, refined pesh is often sublimated along with other reagents to create new forms of the famous drug.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (15 gp)
Spells: Enchantment school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for purpose of duration


Price: 2 sp; Weight:  Phosphorus is a highly reactive mineral that glows faintly in air. Vital to all life, it is most commonly used by alchemists to create fertilizers, poisons, soaps, and tindertwigs. It is obtained by processing uric acid or bone ash.
Power Component
Doses: 10 (2 gp)
Spells: light descriptor or Teleportation subschool
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of range


Price: 1 gp; Weight:  Quicksilver is a liquid metal with dangerous mental effects on those who handle it. It is most often distilled from crystalline amalgams such as cinnabar and stored in iron flasks.
Power Component
Doses: 3 (3 gp)
Spells: mind-affecting descriptor
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of duration


Price: 3 gp; Weight:  Realgar, also called ruby of arsenic, is a red crystal useful in creating poisons and medicines. It is commonly purified into arsenic, a crystalline metal known as the "king of poisons" for its popularity among nobles seeking to poison their rivals.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (3 gp)
Spells: poison descriptor
Effect: +2 DC to identify or neutralize the poison with spells or skills


Price: 5 sp; Weight:  Salt is a vital mineral commodity. It is most commonly used as a desiccant and as a catalyst.
Power Component
Doses: 20 (10 gp)
Spells: Necromancy school
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of effect


Price: 3 gp; Weight:  Saltpeter is used to create fertilizers, propellants, fireworks, and preservatives.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (1 gp)
Spells: fire descriptor
Effect: +1 fire damage


Price: 1 gp; Weight:  Silver is a lustrous precious metal used in mirrors, disinfectants, electrics, and illusion-creating magic items.
Power Component
Doses: 10 (10 gp)
Spells: Illusion school
Effect: +1 to DC of Will saves to disbelieve


Price: 20 gp; Weight: 1/2 lb.   These items work best with spells that create clouds or smoke.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (20 gp)
Spells: Fog Cloud, Obscuring Mist, Pyrotechnics
Effect: Smokesticks can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Fog Cloud (M): Increase the radius of the cloud by 5 feet.
  • Obscuring Mist (M): The spell creates a smoky haze instead of mist. This haze cannot be dispersed by fire spells and dissipates naturally after 1 minute.
  • Pyrotechnics (M): Increase the radius of the cloud by 5 feet and the duration by 2 rounds.

Spirit of Wine

Price: 5 sp; Weight:  Spirit of wine is purified, alchemically active alcohol commonly used as a fuel or solvent in alchemical items, specialized inks, and perfumes. It is too pure to drink alone, but can be used as a reagent to form tinctures and alchemical drinks.
Power Component
Doses: 6 (3 gp)
Spells: Calling and Summoning subschools
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of duration

Tanglefoot Bag

Price: 50 gp; Weight: 4 lbs.   These sticky pouches can make a troublesome spell even worse.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (50 gp)
Spells: Black Tentacles, Slow, Web
Effect: Tanglefoot bags can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Black Tentacles (M): For each tanglefoot bag used as a power component, you may reroll the tentacles’ Grapple check against one creature of your choice.
  • Slow (M): For each tanglefoot bag used as a power component, you may designate one slowed creature as being affected by a tanglefoot bag.
  • Web (M): Increase the DC of breaking free by making a combat maneuver or Escape Artist check by 1.


Price: 30 gp; Weight: 1 lb.   While they are effective enough on their own, these stones have useful interactions with some spells.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (30 gp)
Spells: Alarm, Glyph Of Warding
Effect: Thunderstones can be used as a power component in the following ways:
  • Alarm (M): If cast as a mental alarm, you may have the spell activate a mental and audible alarm. If cast as an audible alarm, the alarm is as loud as a thunderstone and affects creatures in a 10-foot-radius spread as if a thunderstone had detonated there.
  • Glyph Of Warding (M): Creatures that fail their saves against a blast glyph are also Deafened as if by a thunderstone.


Price: 5 sp; Weight:  Urea is a highly versatile reagent most commonly used in salves and as a stabilizer for particularly volatile alchemical reactions.
Power Component
Doses: 4 (2 gp)
Spells: cold descriptor
Effect: +1 Caster Level for the purpose of the effect

Void Shard

Price: 250 gp; Weight:  This shard seems to absorb the light around it, demonstrating the annihilatory power of the Plane of Death.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (250 gp)
Spells: Necromancy school
Effect: When you use a void crystal as a material component or focus for a spell of the necromancy school, the target takes a –2 penalty on saves against the spell.

Whimsy Star

Price: 200 gp; Weight:  The shimmering, multicolored whimsy star captures the mutability of the Feywild.
Power Component
Doses: 1 (200 gp)
Spells: any
Effect: When you use a whimsy star as a material component or focus for a spell, roll 1d6 and consult the table below. You can’t use magic or other abilities to affect the result of this roll. If a result cannot apply to your spell, then the spell resolves normally. Regardless of the result, the spell slot required to cast the spell doesn’t change.  
1The spell fails and you are Dazzled for 1d4 rounds.
2The spell resolves normally.
3The spell is affected as per the Enlarge Spell metamagic feat.
4The spell is affected as per the Extend Spell metamagic feat.
5The spell is affected as per the Widen Spell metamagic feat.
6The spell is affected as per the Heighten Spell metamagic feat, increasing the spell’s level by 1.


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