
Anhur, once known as Ramathant in Netheril and Ramman, Rumathep or Ramatep in Unther, is a wise and peace-loving deity of the Mulorandi interloper pantheon. His role is protecting Mulhorand from evil, a task for which he remains ever-vigilant while still finding the time to appreciate those he defends.



Anhur typically appeared as a Mulan human with four arms, red skin, and dark eyes. His hair appeared dark, and he usually had a short beard that was often braided. Manifestations
  Anhur's will was often made known through the actions of animals, such as lions, falcons, and trained war beasts or guard animals, as well as the uncontrolled actions of war chariots.
  Lion Individuals hostile to Mulhorand might witness a large lion watching them on the horizon. No matter the distance traveled toward it, this manifestation always remained unmoving and out of reach.
  Weather A Mulhorandi army on the march may hear a steady rumbling of thunder that serves to restore their endurance while traveling. Anhur might manifest as rolling thunder if one of his followers encounters resistance while attempting to carry out his will. If this warning proves insufficient, the follower may be struck by a bolt of lightning that inflicts no damage but marks the ground. Particularly dangerous enemies of Mulhorand could find themselves accompanied by a dark storm cloud overhead. This manifestation would strike out at the interlopers and continue to follow them until they left the region.
  Ghostly Lance Armies composed of Anhur's followers might encounter a ghostly lance standing upright on a battlefield. This manifestation would boost the morale of his followers, and acted as a rallying point during conflict.
  Anhur carried a powerful lance in his right arms and wore scale or lamellar mail and a headdress sporting three plumes.


Martial skills were an important factor in the lives of the clergy and followers of the Church of Anhur. Clerics spent much of their time preparing for battle, as well as training the soldiers of Mulhorand. They focused on executing daring maneuvers and plans in the hopes of increasing the glory of their nation. Divine spell casters devoted to Anhur prayed for their spells at dawn.
  Typical garb for Anhur's clergy includes a breastplate and collar shaped in the figure of a lion for high-ranking priests, as well as a white linen skirt known as a kalasiris and sandals laced to knee height. A headdress and collar were also common. These priests often dyed their skin red to emulate their deity and typically shaved their heads. A set of three blue circles painted on their forehead served as a symbol of their calling. They often tattooed themselves to commemorate personal achievements and victories. The quality of a priest's clothing reflected that individual's power and standing. When preparing for combat, followers of Anhur favored scale or lamellar mail, but would also readily select the best equipment for the situation.


The position of priest in the church of Anhur was hereditary; members belonging to the House of Ramathant who could claim at least one divine incarnation of Anhur among their ancestors were viable. Anhur's clergy was composed entirely of humans native to Mulhorand.
  Temples to Anhur were solidly built structures design to repel invaders. They were continuously stocked with equipment and provisions in the event that they were besieged.
  The center of power of the church of Anhur was located in Sultim, the location of the Blood Fortress. Worship of the Falcon of War was strongest in Mulhorand, but temples dedicated to Anhur could also be found in Unther and Chessenta.


The clergy of Anhur often celebrated the anniversaries of the important battles and victories of Mulhorand. These were times of great revelry within the citadels of the Falcon of War, and competitive events testing the participant's physical prowess were often held at these times.
  Time of Storms The month of Tarsakh, known as the Time of Storms in Mulhorand, was a month of celebration for the followers of Anhur. The deity was said to patrol the nation's border regions at this time, and in celebration of this, Anhur's clergy participated in a nonlethal combat tournament that continued until the month ended. The tournament concluded on Greengrass, and the victor would be awarded the title of Champion of Anhur for the next year.
  Remembrance Ritual A time to remember and reflect upon those warriors that had fallen in service to Mulhorand over the past year, the Remembrance Ritual was celebrated on Highharvestide. The celebration concluded with participants praising Anhur for the recent victories Mulhorand has achieved.


Anhur's views often came into conflict with those of Horus-Re, both of whom sought to guide Mulhorand and its people. His enemies included Set, Sekolah, Hoar, and could come to include Tempus if Mulhorand continued to expand. Anhur and Isis considered each other to be allies despite increased conflicts due to similarities in their portfolios after Anhur absorbed that of Ramman's upon his death. He and Nephthys often worked together to thwart threats from nearby Thay, and from time to time he was romantically involved with Sharess.


Anhur and his church were highly esteemed in Mulhorand prior to the Orcgate Wars, but fell out of favor after the death of Re. He had been blamed for most of Mulhorand's military failures by the followers of Horus-Re, and the two churches remained rivals far into the future.
  As the orc hordes surged forward, emboldened by the victory of Gruumsh over Re, Anhur devised a counter assault that eventually led to the end of the Orcgate Wars.
  During the Time of Troubles, Anhur secured the portfolio of the recently slain Untheric deity Ramman. He forced Hoar, who had slain Ramman, to leave Unther once again, an act that Hoar actively sought revenge for. Anhur also distinguished himself by confronting the sahuagin deity Sekolah during this period of history.
  The church of Anhur suffered numerous political attacks originating from the clergy of Horus-Re during the Time of Troubles. Anhur regained much of the status he lost during this period through aggressive actions against his foes.
  During the Second Sundering, Anhur and other deities from the pantheon returned in the form of demigods and led the Mulhorandi uprising against the Imaskari in a manner similar to how the Chosen manifested in other regions. As of 1489 DR, Mulhorand was led by the returned pantheon, who temporarily set their differences aside for the good of the Mulhorandi people. Advertisement


Lesser deity

Basic Information

General of the Gods
Supreme Marshall of All Armies
Champion of Physical Prowess
The Falcon of War
God of War, Thunder, Rain, and Storms





Chaotic Good

Khopesh with hawk's head pommel bound with a cord


Conflict, Physical Prowess, Rain, Thunder, War

Favored Weapon
Warhawk (falchion)




Strength (Competition, Resolve)
War (Tactics)
Weather (Storms)

Favored Aspects

Battle camels
Hunting cats
War dogs
Battle elephants


Manifest- ations
A lion on the horizon
  A dark cloud
  Thunder and lightning
  A ghostly lance



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