
Horus-Re, once known as Hokatep in Unther, is the leader of the Mulhorandi pantheon. Once the change-promoting deity simply known as Horus, the young god received the powers and personality of his slain father Re, becoming a more staunch traditionalist.



Horus-Re usually appeared as a Mulan human possessing the head of a hawk. Manifestations
  The will of Horus-Re could be communicated through the actions of animals such as hawks or creatures such as solars and lammasu. The sun represented Horus-Re in the day, and a shooting star signified his presence at night. The sky darkened if a follower failed to carry out the will of the Lord of the Sun, while a thunder clap was a sign of Horus-Re's favor. It was said the sun would go dark if Set usurped Horus-Re's position. The eye of Horus-Re was often signified by a circling hawk, and the cry of a hawk signified the fitting punishment of a criminal.
  Horus-Re rode the airborne galley Matet (or Semktet) and carried a glowing ankh. His ankh had the ability to destroy undead, and he wielded the Sword of Horus in battle.


Worship of Horus-Re was most likely among nobles and the elite of Mulhorandi society. Most individuals serving in a government position considered themselves a follower of the Pharaoh of the Gods.
  Clerics of Horus-Re typically wore white linen skirts and sandals. Some wore wigs over shaved heads, topped by a headdress. Like all priests of Mulhorand, they painted three circles on their forehead to symbolize their divine calling. They might don false beards for official occasions.
  When the clergy of Horus-Re prepared for combat, they selected equipment practical to the situation. They preferred light armor, and always wore some form of headdress.
  Clerics of Horus-Re prayed for spells as part of the Zenith Aspirant, when the sun was at its highest point in the sky.


The position of priest in the church of Horus-Re was hereditary; members belonged to the House of Helcaliant, and could claim at least one divine incarnation of Horus-Re among their ancestors. The church of the Lord of the Sun was the leading political body in Mulhorand; it was led by the pharaoh, Horustep III, and the vizier Kalarzim.
  The clergy of the church of Horus-Re traditionally spent its time serving in government positions, but were slowly turning their attention to spreading the worship of their deity.
  Priests of Horus-Re were usually nobles. They tended to be arrogant and expected to receive special treatment from those with lesser standing, and were often motivated by political gain as much as divine calling.
  The church of Horus-Re served as the government of Mulhorand.
  Claws of the Sun and the Ankh This organization was composed of paladins of Horus-Re, who devoted themselves to their divine responsibilities rather than the politics of the nation.
  The followers of Horus-Re performed three celebrations daily.
  Greeting of the Lord Each morning, the faithful of Horus-Re celebrated the rising sun.
  Zenith Aspirant The clergy of Horus-Re performed a daily sermon when the sun was at its highest point.
  Girding of the Guard The clergy of Horus-Re took up weapons every evening to defend their nation throughout the night.
  Midsummer's Day Priests of Horus-Re spent the day praising the Lord of the Sun. The government of Mulhorand was shut down during this time.
  Solar Eclipse A solar eclipse signified Horus-Re's right to rule. Priests of the Master of Vengeance sought to thwart the servants of Set on such days.


Temples dedicated to Horus-Re often served in an official government capacity, in addition to being a center of worship. All such structures stressed openness and justice in their construction. The primary temple and center of the church of Horus-Re, the Solarium of Skuld, was located in the capital city of Skuld.
  The Church of Horus-Re began expanding into Unther in the wake of the Time of Troubles.


Horus-Re's allies included Isis, Osiris, and Thoth, though all the Mulhorandi pantheon accepted his commands. Lathander saw Horus-Re in a sympathetic light, favoring his old personality that was closer to his own.
  Horus-Re's opposition to change often brought him into conflict with Anhur, and he did all he could to thwart the actions of Set.
  In terms of servants, like the other Mulhorandi powers Horus-re was served by divine minions. He also had an army of einheriar under his command known as the Horusyr, who unlike other einheriar they had the unique ability to shapechange into giant hawks.


Horus was originally a young deity that often sided with Anhur in pressing change to his father, Re.
  During the Mulhorandi uprising against the Imaskari, it was Horus that slew Lord Artificer Yuvaraj in −2488 DR. When Re was defeated by Gruumsh during the Orcgate Wars, the failing deity passed his powers and domain to Horus before passing on. Upon gaining this power Horus became Horus-Re, and began exhibiting the personality traits and beliefs of his dead father.
  During the Second Sundering, Horus returned as a separate entity from Re along with other deities from the pantheon in the form of demigods and led the Mulhorandi uprising against the Imaskari, in a manner similar to how the Chosen manifested in other regions. As of 1489 DR, Mulhorand was led by the returned pantheon, who temporarily set their differences aside for the good of the Mulhorandi people.


Greater deity

Basic Information

Lord of the Sun
Master of Vengeance
Ruler of Mulhorand
Pharaoh of the Gods



Served By


Lawful Good

A hawk's head wearing a pharaoh's crown, surrounded by a solar disc


Life, Rulership, The Sun, Kings, Vengeance

Favored Weapon
An ankh (khopesh)




Glory (Honor, Legend)
Law (Legislation)
Nobility (Aristocracy, Leadership)
Sun (Day, Light)



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