Create Demiplane, Greater

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Cleric */Oracle * 9, Sorcerer */Wizard * 9, Warlock * 9
Components: V, S, F (a forked metal rod worth at least 500 gp)
Casting Time: 6 hours
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: extradimensional demiplane, up to 20 10-ft. cubes/level (S)
Duration: 1 day/level or instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no
  You create a small, finite demiplane. You must be in the Astral Sea or Ethereal Plane or on a plane that has access to one of those planes (such as the Prime Material Plane) to cast this spell.
  When you cast the spell, you decide whether the demiplane is within the Astral Sea or Ethereal Plane. It is filled with air or water (decided by you). The plane is generally flat and featureless, such as an earth, stone, water, or wood floor. The "walls" and "ceiling" of the plane may appear like solid earth, stone, wood, or water, or they may end in mist, a featureless void, or a similar unreal-looking border. The plane's environmental conditions are those of a temperate spring day on the Prime Material Plane. You determine the plane's light level (bright light, normal light, Dim Light, or Darkness), which affects the entire plane.
  There are no native creatures or plants on this plane, though you may bring some there (if the plane's light is bright or normal, it counts as sunlight for growing plants). The environment of the plane counts as normal terrain for the purpose of effects that target earth, stone, wood, and so on.
  For example, you could use Move Earth to create a hill or Wall Of Stone to create a barricade.
  When you finish casting this spell, you may bring yourself and up to seven other creatures to the plane automatically by joining hands in a circle. The demiplane is another plane of existence, and therefore is outside the range of any spell or ability that cannot affect or reach other planes. Creatures can only enter the plane by the use of planar travel magic such as Astral Projection, Etherealness, or Plane Shift. You are considered "very familiar" with your entire demiplane.
  As a Standard Action, you may eject a creature from your demiplane. The creature may resist with a Will Save. An ejected creature goes to the closest plane to your demiplane (usually the Astral Sea or Ethereal Plane, but if you cast this spell on the Prime Material Plane, the creature is sent to the Prime Material Plane). When the spell ends, the plane dissolves, and all creatures in the plane are ejected in this manner with no saving throw. The plane cannot be dispelled, but a creature on the plane can destroy it by using Limited Wish, Mage's Disjunction, Miracle, or Wish and making a successful dispel check.
  If you are within your demiplane, you can add to its area by casting the spell again. Alternatively, you may cast this spell again to reset the duration of an existing area to that of your latest casting. If the duration on one area of the demiplane ends and other parts remain, creatures in the expiring area are shunted to remaining areas. If a collapsing portion of the demiplane would leave one section cut off from other sections of the demiplane (for example, if there were three areas connected in a straight line and the center part expired), the stranded sections count as separate demiplanes under your control. You may reconnect these stranded sections by the spell again to create a linked area between the two.
  You can use this spell to expand a demiplane you created with Create Demiplane, Lesser or Create Demiplane (you do not need to create an entirely new plane using this spell), in which case it has a duration of 1 day/level. Alternatively, when cast within your demiplane, you may add (or remove) one of the following features to your demiplane with each casting of the spell, in which case it has an instantaneous duration (see Planar Traits for details on the effects of many of these features):
  • Alignment: Your plane gains the (mildly) chaos-, good-, evil-, law-, or neutral-aligned alignment trait. You cannot give your demiplane an alignment trait for an alignment you do not have.
  • Bountiful: Your demiplane gains a thriving natural ecology, with streams, ponds, waterfalls, and plants. The demiplane provides enough plant-based food (nuts, grains, fruit, fungi, and so on) to support one Medium creature for every 10-foot cube of the demiplane. The demiplane does not have any animals unless you transport them there, but the ecology can sustain itself for as long as the demiplane exists without requiring watering, gardening, pollination, and so on, and dead organic material decays and returns to the soil in the normal manner. If your demiplane has ambient light, these plants are normal, familiar surface plants; if it is a realm of twilight or Darkness, these plants are fungi and other plants adapted to near-Darkness or underground locations.
  • Elemental: Your plane gains the air-, earth-, fire-, or water-elemental dominant trait.
  • Energy: Your plane gains the (minor) negative- or positive- dominant energy trait. A plane cannot have both the negative-dominant and positive-dominant energy traits.
  • Gravity: By default a demiplane's gravity is normal and oriented in one direction, like what most creatures are used to on the Prime Material Plane. By selecting this feature, the plane's gravity is heavy, light, none, objectively directional, or subjectively directional.
  • Magic: Your plane gains the dead magic, enhanced magic, impeded magic, or wild magic planar trait. If you selected dead magic, you are trapped within your plane unless it has a permanent planar portal (such as the portal feature, below). If you selected enhanced or impeded magic, choose one type of magic to be enhanced or impeded, such as "effects with the fire descriptor or that manipulate fire" or "death spells and spells from the Death Domain or Repose Domain." A plane cannot be enhanced and impeded for the same kinds of spells.
  • Morphic: You may use Move Earth at will in your demiplane at one-tenth of the spell's normal casting time, and can reshape normal plants in the same manner (such as by twisting trees into a fence or humanlike shapes). You are even able to affect rock formations with this ability, though the casting time for this is only half normal.
  • Portal: Your demiplane gains a permanent gate to one location on another plane, which can only be used for planar travel. This location must be very familiar to you.
      This gate is always open and usable from both sides, but you can secure it using normal means (such as by building a door around it).
  • Seasonal: The demiplane has a seasonal cycle and a light cycle, usually similar to those of a land on the Material Plane, but customizable as you see fit (for example, your demiplane could always be winter, day and night could alternate every 4 hours, and so on).
  • Shape: By default, the demiplane has a fixed shape and borders. By selecting this feature, you may make your plane self-contained so it loops upon itself when a creature reaches one edge. You may designate areas or locations on the edges of your plane where this occurs (such as a pair of secret doors or a path in the woods) or apply it to the entire plane.
  • Structure: Your demiplane has a specific, linked physical structure, such as a giant tree, floating castle, labyrinth, mountain, and so on. (This option exists so you can pick a theme for your plane without having to worry about the small details of determining what spells you need for every hill, hole, wall, floor, and corner).
  • Time: By default, time passes at the normal rate in your demiplane. By selecting this feature, you may make your plane have the erratic time, flowing time (half or double normal time), or timeless trait.

  You can make this spell permanent with the Permanency spell, at a cost of 22,500 gp. If you have cast create greater demiplane multiple times to enlarge the demiplane, each casting's area requires its own Permanency spell.