

Known as Ninjas, masters of Ninjitsu are the elite assassins of Shan Lun. Warriors of the night, they carry an arsenal of tricks and techniques designed for infiltration, penetration, and assassination. Ninja masters always seek to finish their fights as quickly as possible, whether by killing their opponents or bypassing them and moving on with the task at hand.  
  • Points Required Per Rank: 4
  • Restrictions: No armor or shields.

Ninjitsu table



The following are special abilities granted to practitioners of the Ninjitsu Form.  

Specialized Equipment

Ninjas have a wealth of specialized equipment they are trained make use of to aid them in their ventures. Some are commonly known, some are common but used in unorthodox ways, and some are closely guarded secrets of practitioners of the art. These items can be found in the Specialized Ninjitsu Equipment table. Ninjas often have or can find local contacts and means of getting a hold of these items, and, starting at rank 2, should have no more difficulty accessing them than regular adventuring gear, barring extraordinary circumstances. Many of these items are closely guarded secrets of the ninja, and followers of the art are rarely willing share them with outsiders.   As part of this equipment training, Ninjas are trained in the use of several exotic weapons. Upon reaching rank 2, they gain proficiency with the Tanto, Ninjato, and Shuriken. They cannot use these weapons as part of their martial arts form until they gain the appropriate weapon Katas.  
The Tanto is a curved dagger with a hilt that fits into an inconspicuous looking sheath, making it hard to notice as an actual weapon. It deals 1d4 damage, has a critical range of 19-20/x2, can be thrown with a 10 ft. range increment, is considered light, and provides a +4 circumstance bonus to Sleight of Hand checks used to hide it's presence. This bonus increases to +6 for a masterwork Tanto. A Tanto deals slashing or piercing damage.
Ninjato are straight edged swords measuring approximately 3 feet long. Traditionally used for quick ambushes and one-hit kills, rather than drawn out fights, they are nonetheless surprisingly lightweight and versatile cutting weapons. Ninjato deal 1d8 damage with a critical range of 18-20/x2. They deal slashing damage, and can be used with weapon finesse.
Also called throwing stars or ninja stars, shuriken are small metal throwing weapons consisting of several sharpened spikes on a flat disk. Shuriken deal 1d2 damage with a a range increment of 10 ft. and a critical range of 20/x2. Shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them, and prices and weights for them are for a bundle of five.
Blowgun Sheath
To all appearances a simple sheath for a Ninjato blade, a small hole is bored through the length of it, allowing it to function as a blowgun. It can fire darts that deal 1d3 damage with a range increment of 20 ft. and a critical range of 19-20/x2.
Climbing Spikes
Spiked claws that attach to the soles of the feet for climbing. It is difficult to walk and impossible to run while wearing, but they provide a +3 circumstance bonus to Climb checks while worn.
Function as Caltrops. They can be spread to an adjacent square as part of a move action.
Tanglefoot Bag
As described in Tanglefoot Bag.
Bag of Marbles
A bag full of small glass marbles, used similarly to caltrops. They can be spread to an adjacent square as part of a move action, and force anyone moving into or fighting in a square containing them to make a DC 15 Acrobatics check.
Commonly referred to as climbing claws, Tekagi are leather bands that wrap around the palm between the thumb and fingers, with the inside surface covered in small spikes to aid in climbing. When worn, they add a +3 circumstance bonus to Climb checks. You cannot wield a weapon while wearing Tekagi, have a -2 penalty to attack with punches, and you take 1d3 damage each time you land a hit with a punch while wearing them. If used in conjunction with a hold, they confer a -2 penalty to your check rolls, but deal 1d3 damage with each successful check.
Jika-Tabi, translated to "ground socks", are just that; socks that are rugged enough to wear outdoors. Usually crafted of padded linen and dyed jet black, what they lack in protection they make up for in stealth. The provide a +2 circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks when worn.
Shinobi Shozoku
The traditional garb of the ninja, Shinobi Shozoku consists of a jacket, hand gauntlet, double belt, leg ties, separate leg and arm pieces, and quilted groin and body protector. Pockets are distributed throughout to conceal shuriken, bombs, and other common equipment. It also comes with a two part hood. When worn, it provides a +4 circumstance bonus to Hide checks when hiding in shadows or dark areas. It also provides a +4 circumstance bonus to Sleight of Hand checks used to conceal small objects on your person.
This bundle of rods and cloth fits into a standard pack or duffel bag when disassembled, and can be crafted into a functional glider in 1d4 minutes. When used, it allows a character to glide, falling 60 ft. per round, taking no falling damage, and able to move laterally at a speed of 30 with average maneuverability. The glider can support a maximum of 250 lbs of weight.
Oil Slick Bulb
This glass bulb is filled with a low viscosity oil that shatters when thrown, creating a pool of slippery grease. It has a 5 ft. range increment, and fills a 5' square with grease, as the grease spell. It only functions on smooth, solid surfaces, and lasts until 2d4 checks are made for it, or 1 hour passes, whichever comes first.
Blinding Bomb
Typically crafted by carving a small hole into an egg, emptying the contents, and filling with a caustic powder, this bomb can be thrown at an enemy in an attempt to blind them. You can spend one attack to make a Combat Maneuver Check against an enemy. The check has a -2 penalty for every 5 feet of distance between you and the target. On success, they are blinded for 1d4 rounds. They can spend a standard action to wipe the powder from their eyes and end the effect early.
Smoke Bomb
A ceramic ball filled with smoke powder and small pieces of flint and steel to ignite it, these bombs explode when thrown, filling a 10 ft. cube with smoke. The smoke dissipates in one round, and the smoke is immediately dispersed if used in strong winds.
Spell Capsules
A specialty out of Shan Lun, spell capsules act much like potions, but the types of spells contained are different, and they are triggered by throwing them rather than ingesting. They are crafted using the Craft Spell Capsule feat, and have a cost of 50gp for 1st level capsules and 150gp for 2nd level capsules. The Caster Level for spell capsules is always the minimum level required for the spell, and only 1st or 2nd level spells can be crafted into spell capsules. Capsules are thrown with a range increment of 10 ft. and break on impact, triggering the contained spell. Regardless of the spell contained, capsules cannot affect an area larger than a 10 ft. cube, and have a duration of no longer than 1 minute. A list of common spell capsules and their price is provided on the spell capsules table.  

Weapon Katas

As a Ninja gains ranks, they gain the ability to incorporate several weapons into their form. At rank 1, the Ninja gains the Tanto weapon Kata, at rank 6 they gain the Ninjato weapon Kata, and at rank 10 they gain the Shuriken weapon Kata.  

Sudden Strike

Starting at Rank 1, if a Ninja can catch an opponent when they unable to defend themselves effectively from their attack, they can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Whenever a target is denied a Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), a Ninja deals an extra 1d6 points of Precision Damage with their attack. This extra damage increases by 1d6 points every three ranks thereafter, to a maximum of 7d6 points at rank 19. A ninja can't use sudden strike when flanking an opponent unless that opponent is also denied its Dexterity bonus to AC.   This damage also applies to ranged attacks against targets up to 30 feet away. Creatures with concealment, creatures without discernible anatomies, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are all immune to sudden strikes. A ninja can't make a sudden strike while striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are out of reach.   A ninja can't use sudden strike to deliver nonlethal damage. Weapons capable of dealing only nonlethal damage don't deal extra damage when used as part of a sudden strike.   The extra damage from the sudden strike ability stacks with the extra damage from sneak attack whenever both would apply to the same target.  

Unarmed Critical

At rank 3, a Ninja's critical threat range with unarmed attacks increases by one, to 19-20. at rank 8, it increases to 18-20, then 17-20 at rank 14, and finally at rank 20 it increases by two to 15-20.  

Knockout Blow and Death Blow

As a Ninja gains ranks, they gain access to the Knockout Blow and Death Blow modifiers to certain attacks. Starting at rank 3, they can apply the Knockout Blow modifier to their Axe Kick attack once per round. At rank 11, they can apply it to every unarmed critical hit. At rank 12, they can apply the Death Blow modifier to their Knife Hand attack once per round. Starting at rank 17, they can apply it to every unarmed critical hit. An attack may not have both modifiers applied to it; if it is eligible for both, the Ninja must choose one to apply.  

Poison Use

Starting at rank 4, Ninja never risk accidentally poisoning themselves when applying poison to a weapon. Additionally, they gain access to purchase many common Poisons as part of their Specialized Equipment ability.  


Punches: Basic Punch, Knife Hand (Special: 1/rd you can apply the Death Blow special to a Knife Hand attack)   Kicks: Basic Kick, Leg Hook, Axe Kick (Special: 1/rd you can apply the Knockout Blow special to an Axe Kick attack)   Other: None   Defenses: Dodge, Parry, Multiple Dodge, Auto Dodge   Holds: Neck Grab, Neck Lock, Neck Pin   Movements: Rapid Shift   Combos: Backflip, Pouncing Strike   Special: Knockout Blow, Death Blow  

Basic Punch

Type: Strike (Punch)
Damage: 1d4
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Conventional clenched-fist punch.
Special: -


Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: By making a quick movement away from an incoming attack, you leave the blow to strike at nothing but air.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack or successful Grapple/hold attempt, make an Acrobatics check. The DC is equal to 10 + how much their attack exceeded your touch AC. On success, the attack misses and you move to a random adjacent open square. If no such square is available, or at your choice, you instead go Prone in your current square. Against area melee attacks, movement is restricted to squares not included in the attack, and the dodge fails if none are available. Against Grapple/hold attempts, the DC is 15 + the amount their check succeeded by. You must release any grapples/holds you control in order to dodge, and you cannot dodge if you are currently Grappled/held, Entangled, or otherwise restricted in your ability to move. Against an attacker with multiple attacks, the movement is not resolved until the last attack is made by that target. A dodge must be declared before the damage of the attack is resolved.

Basic Kick

Type: Strike (Kick)
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A conventional kick made by bringing up a knee, leg folded, then extending the foot out.
Special: -


Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Attempt to thwart an enemy's attack by intercepting the strike before it can land. This can be done with a weapon or by hand.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack, make an Unarmed Attack roll. If it meets or exceeds the attack roll against you, the attack is negated. You must have a free hand to parry. A parry must be declared before the damage of the attack is resolved.

Leg Hook

Type: Strike (Kick)
Damage: -
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A sweep of the opponent's legs, dealing no damage but tripping them.
Special: Used as Trip Combat Maneuver. Cannot be parried, blocked, or dodged.

Axe Kick

Type: Strike (Kick)
Damage: 2d8
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A high kick that goes up and over the opponent, coming down hard on their neck or shoulder.
Special: Can only be used on a Prone enemy or one you have a height advantage on.

Rapid Shift

Type: Move
Damage: -
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Shifting footwork that allows you to reposition yourself without breaking combat rhythm.
Special: Make an additional 5 ft step.


Type: Combo (Dodge/Move)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A calculatead flip backwards out of range of an enemy's attack.
Special: As dodge, but movement is up to 10 ft., occurs immediately, and is into the square of your choice (must still be away from the attacker). Can only be used once per round.

Pouncing Strike

Type: Combo (Strike/Move)
Damage: As strike
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -
Description: Forward leap as part of an attack.
Special: Up to 10 ft. of straight line movement. Requires a DC 10 Acrobatics check or movement is limited to 5 ft. and the attack is lost. Can be used with any strike, and can only be used once per round.

Neck Grab

Type: Hold (Grab)
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A firm grab on an opponent's neck, with no control but restricting breathing.
Special: Established with a melee Touch Attack. Opponent cannot move beyond your reach, and takes damage each round on their turn while grabbed. You can move at half speed and bring grabbed opponent with you with a successful Strength check (DC equals opponent's Combat Maneuver Defense). Opponent can break with Combat Maneuver or Escape Artist check. You have a +4 to any roll to establish a Neck Lock.

Neck Lock

Type: Hold (Lock)
Damage: 1d8
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A lock around an opponent's neck, holding them in a grapple and cutting off their air.
Special: Opponent gains the Grappled condition, and takes damage each round on their turn while locked. At your option, they are unable to speak.

Neck Pin

Type: Hold (Pin)
Damage: 1d10
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A full lock on an opponent's neck, keeping them pinned and unable to act except to try and break it while suffocating
Special: Requires a Neck Lock. Opponent gains the Pinned condition, cannot speak, and takes damage each round on their turn while Pinned. They must also roll a Fortitude Save at the start of their turn (DC equal to your Combat Maneuver Defense), or become Unconscious for 2d4 rounds. There is a cumulative +2 to the DC of this save each round after the first until the pin is Broken.

Multiple Dodge

Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: Full Round Action
Successive Penalty: -
Description: By spending the entire round darting between foes and allies alike, you make yourself a difficult target to nail down, at the expense of any other action.
Special: Spend a full round action to allow you to dodge all incoming attacks until your next turn. You can take no other defensive maneuvers during this time, but may still make attacks of opportunity. Each dodge is resolved independently using normal dodge rules, but you are not subjected to penalties for repeated use of dodges during this action.

Automatic Dodge

Type: Defence (Dodge)
Damage: -
Use: -
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A dodge made of sheer reflex, requiring little thought or effort to perform.
Special: As dodge, but the check is made at a -2 penalty. You can only use one automatic move per round.

Knife Hand

Type: Strike (Punch)
Damage: 1d6
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Open-handed strike with the blade of the hand.
Special: -

Knock Out Blow

Type: Special
Damage: -
Use: Can only use as dicated by form.
Successive Penalty: 1/rd
Description: A special modifier to another attack to attempt to knock an opponent unconscious rather than inflict damage to them.
Special: Instead of dealing damage with an attack, target must make a Fortitude Save (DC equal to 5 plus the damage that would have been dealt) or be knocked Unconscious for 1d6 minutes. On a successful save, the attack deals 1d6 damage plus half your Strength modifier. If used against a target immune to critical hits, the attack instead deals its normal damage.

Death Blow

Type: Special
Damage: -
Use: Can only use as dicated by form.
Successive Penalty: -
Description: A special modifier to another attack to attempt to kill an opponent outright rather than inflict damage to them.
Special: Instead of dealing damage with an attack, target must make a Fortitude Save (DC equal to the damage that would have been dealt) or die. On a successful save, the attack deals 1d6 damage plus half your Strength modifier. If used against a target immune to critical hits, the attack instead deals its normal damage.


Pi Mi Hsing, Art of Stealth (Ex)

Pi Mi Hsing is the art of remaining unheard by your enemy, for to be unheard is to be unexpected. This is the first tenet of the ninja, as well as those who follow their ways. As a part of Pi Mi Hsing, one also learns the art of Jung Hua, or melting into water.
  Add Stealth to your class skill list. When making Stealth checks, add your Intelligence modifier to the check in addition to your Dexterity modifier. You take no penalties related to moving into, through, or out of water while moving silently. You still need to make Swim checks to use this ability while in deeper water.

Inpo, Art of Hiding (Ex)

Training in the art of Inpo involves studying the characteristics of all kinds of objects. For example, how does one move in long grass so as to blend their motion with that of the grass swaying in the wind? One learns to become one with inanimate objects, either remaining motionless or moving imperceptibly if necessary.
  A practitioner of Inpo is particularly good at blending into their environment; so long as they are unobserved, they can hide without Cover. Any creature that fails a Perception check against them cannot make another check until the practitioner moves.

Hensho Jutsu, Art of Disguise (Ex)

Far more than simple makeup and clothing, Hensho Jutsu trains the practitioner to radically change their posture, stance, walking style, and expression to become, in an instant, a seemingly entirely different person. As an example, a master of Hensho Jutsu may be running from a group of foes down a city street. They round the corner into an alley at a dead sprint with a mere moment's lead. Their pursuers round the corner and almost run straight into a hunched, elderly figure before side-stepping them and continuing down the alley. What they do not know is that they just ran straight past the Hensho Jutsu master without giving them a second glance.
  Add Disguise to your class skill list. When making Disguise checks, add your Intelligence modifier to the check in addition to your Charisma modifier. You can make Disguise checks without any preperation, provided it will be checked for only a moment or two. This ability works best in crowds, but can potentially work in any situation where you can break line of sight for a few seconds. This will not work if you are dressed in a distinct or stand-out manner without taking some time to change up your garb.

Kobu-Justu, Weapon Kata(Ex)

Kobu-Jutsu is the practice of incorporating a weapon into a Martial Arts form. Only forms that explicitly allow a Weapon Kata can use this, and only with the weapons allowed by that form. Even in such cases, the weapon can only be used while in that form by using the Kobu-Jutsu Kata each round.
  While this Kata is active, you can wield any allowed weapon while in a Martial Arts form that allows for this Kata. Attacks with a weapon follow normal rules for Base Attack Bonus progression and penalties, and extra attacks granted by Martial Arts forms cannot be used to make armed attacks. You cannot use any holds while wielding a weapon, and you cannot use punches while wielding a two-handed weapon. You can use your weapon to make parries in this Kata, using your highest Base Attack Bonus for each roll (successive penalties for parries still apply). If the form allows for dual wielding or double weapons, normal rules apply for using two weapons.
Example: Sato is a 7th level Martial Artist wielding a single scimitar with the Sandswept Serpent form. He can make two attacks per round with his scimitar, using a Base Attack Bonus of +7 and +2 respectively. His remaining 2 attacks granted by the form must be used to make unarmed strikes.

Inton Jutsu, Art of Escape (Ex)

Inton Jutsu takes the practice of escape artist to new heights. Practitioners learn to dislocate the bones in their body at a moment's notice, allowing them to slip bonds like no other. This talent also comes in handy in combat, when dealing with an opponent's grapples and holds.
  Add Escape Artist to your class skill list. When making Escape Artist checks, add your Intelligence modifier to the check in addition to your Dexterity modifier. When making a Combat Maneuver Check to escape from an opponent's Grapple or hold, you gain a +4 to the roll.

Hsing Tsia, Art of Evasion (Ex)

Practitioners of Hsing Tsia have mastered the art of kinetic invisibility, or staying out of the line of sight of an enemy. While ineffective against a group of enemies, against a single opponent a master of Hsing Tsia may as well not exist, for no matter where they look they are not there.
  Before taking an action, you may designate a single opponent. Your Stealth check against that opponent can be made without penalty regardless of movement or Cover. You must already be hidden from someone to designate them for this power; it has no effect against someone who currently knows where you are.

Chien Chih, Art of Vanishing (Ex)

To the untrained eye, a practitioner of Chien Chih has the supernatural ability to simply disappear from plain sight. In truth, this ability is more akin to a slight of hand, with the practitioner distracting the foe and then quickly moving out of their line of sight.
  You can spend 1 attack during your turn to make a Stealth check without penalty against a target you designate. If successful, you are hidden to them only until you take another action or your turn ends.


Commonly called the "sword-drawing art", but also included in training without weapons, Iai-Jutsu is all about quickness, whether in drawing a weapon or being the first to strike in combat.
  Gain quick draw as a bonus feat and a +6 Inherent Bonus to Initiative.

Chi Zoshiki, Art of Mystic Invisibility (Su)

Practitioners of Chi Zoshiki learn to use Chi to cloud the minds of observers. With this ability, a practitioner can stand in plain view of an enemy and simply cease to exist.
  As a Swift Action, you can spend 1 Chi to become Invisible to one target unless they make a Will Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your level + your Intelligence modifier). So long as you remain motionless, you remain Invisible to your target for one round. Every action you take for that round requires you to spend additional Chi to remain Invisible. You must spend 1 Chi for each move, action, or attack you make or become visible once more.


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