Character Classes

All classes on this site are available to play, as are many more classes from 3.5, Pathfinder, other editions, world settings, or even homebrew. Any class not presented on this site may be subject to modification before being accepted to fit within the rules, balance, and flavor of this world. Please do not hesitate to talk with the DM if you find a class or have a class idea you'd like to bring into the campaign.   Base Classes are, as the name suggests, the base set of available classes. They include all of the classic, core dnd classes, plus a few more that come from either different editions or expanded content.   Hybrid Classes are a derived from two parent classes, whose features are blended into a new theme that is distinct from its component parts. These classes can be a preferable alternative to Multiclassing in many cases, providing a more integrated blending of class features that create a unique playstyle. While these classes can be slightly more complicated than their parent base classes, they are not significantly so, and are no less suitable for newer players than many base classes.   Advanced Classes are a fair bit more mechanically complex and nuanced than base classes, and it is recommended that they only be chosen by veteran players looking for something different from the core offering. They should be no more or less powerful than the base classes, but are less straightforward to run, and may involve an increased level of feedback with the DM to polish their mechanics and balance through the game.   Prestige Classes are classes that can be taken at later levels, and offer further specialization into certain aspects of a class, or an option to branch into a more hybridized character. All Prestige Classes have pre-requisite requirements to take, and more details on them can be found in the Prestige Classes article.  

Classes Detailed Here:

Descriptions detailed here supersede those from other sources.

Base Classes:

Hybrid Classes:


Advanced Classes:

Prestige Classes:

Articles under Character Classes


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