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The Scribes of Nine

The Scribes of Nine seek to understand death and all that it entails. They were an officially sanctioned guild of necromancers, assassins, and spies, but as peace settled in after the calamity, they turned to more academic pursuits. Now they are one of the seven guild sponsors of Rootwood based out of Azuros.   Because of their macabre field of study, they are distrusted by most - a fact that isn't helped by their tendency to go mad from their own research into death itself. However, aside from a few bad eggs, the organization itself is mostly above-board.  

Scribes of Nine Extended Spell List

This is the extended spell list for The Scribes of Nine.

SpellSpell Level
Chill TouchCantrip
Spare the DyingCantrip
Toll the Dead*Cantrip
Inflict Wounds1st
Ray of Sickness1st
Animate Dead3rd
Vampiric Touch3rd
Shadow of Moil4th
Sickening Radiance4th
Circle of Death6th
Create Undead6th
Finger of Death7th
Power Word Kill9th


Preferred Alignment: Any Chaotic   Secondary Alignments: Any Neutral     Recommended Class: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Bard   Multiclasses: Arcane Trickster, Ranger, Death/Grave Cleric

Public Agenda

The Scribes of Nine seek to understand and confront death. Some choose to take a stand against death in the defense of others, some chose to cheat death and seek immortality, and still others accept death and seek to make the most of their lives.

Timor Mortis Conturbat Me (The fear of Death disturbs me).

Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
The Black Scribes, the Bonecounters
Parent Organization


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