Juai Piang


Juai Piang wasn't someone unlucky enough to be born destined for mediocrity. She was born into the leading family of Arcani, a town founded by a long-forgotten woman who graced the then small town with blessings of magic and science. They flourished, soon becoming a renowned location for all to visit. The Piang family were the ones entrusted with the town's prosperity when the stranger left for the stars... but they were blessed by her magic. Juai was born to the family as the eldest daughter... and as such she inherited her position as baroness after her parents met their ends. However, Juai wasn't human. Her father was unable to produce an offspring, so her parents received a blessing of the fey to receive a strong and healthy child to lead their growing town to new heights. As such Juai was born as a Sidhier, and her long life would soon begin.
  As a child she was curious, focused, and rather over-energetic. She had a deep drive to help others, only magnified by the weight that she would once need to lead a growing nation. Her father, before his death at the ripe old age of 57, has tasked her with gaining support from her own subjects. She needed to live amongst them and earn their respect as an equal... and learn how they live in turn. She joined the guard of the town, and as such received formal training as she slowly rose through the ranks. There she dedicated herself, spending long years focused on earning prestige. When her father passed she needed to be ready, and now she must prove that she is.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Juai is an optimist, striving to see the good in every scenario. She works hard to help any and all who need it, and is a passionate woman who strives to make the world a better place one small kindness at a time. She's confident, being both a baroness of a large town and a high-ranking militant officer has made sure she is able to take a beating, stand proud, and ensure a brighter future.
Current Location
Date of Death
Year of Death
22022 AC
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations