
Mythology & Lore

In the beginning, there was only darkness and chaos. Three sparks of light emerged out of this primordial void: Sarenrae, Erastil, and Irori. They were the first gods, bringing order and life to the cosmos. Sarenrae created the sun, the source of light and warmth. Erastil created the earth, the home of life and nature. Irori created the stars, the keepers of knowledge and history. Together, they shaped and populated the world with various races and creatures. They also taught their children the principles of strength, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, prosperity, history, hunting, trade, and health and encouraged them to follow their example. However, not all of their children were obedient and virtuous. Some rebelled against the gods and sought to destroy their creations. These were the evil gods, and they brought war and suffering to the world. The three good gods fought against them and sealed them away in a dark prison. However, the battle was costly, and the three good gods were wounded and weakened. They decided to retreat to their respective realms and entrust the world's fate to their faithful followers. They promised to watch over them from afar and return one day when the world awaited their guidance. They also left behind a symbol of their alliance: a winged sun with a bow, arrow, and fist in the center, which they placed in the sky as a sign of hope and protection. This was the birth of Luminari, the religion that honors the three good gods and their teachings.

Cosmological Views

Luminari’s cosmology is based on the belief that the world is a creation of the three good gods and part of a larger and more complex cosmos. They believe three main realms exist: the Sun, the Earth, and the Stars. The Sun is the realm of Sarenrae, the goddess of the Sun. It is the source of light and warmth and the home of the angels and the souls of the righteous. The Earth is the realm of Erastil, the god of the community. It is the home of life and nature and where living beings reside. The Stars are the realm of Irori, the god of knowledge. They are the keepers of history and wisdom and the guides of the seekers and the explorers. They also believe other realms exist, such as the Moon, the Sea, the Fire, the Air, and the Dark. These are the domains of other good and evil gods, and they have their own influences and effects on the world. Luminari’s followers seek to understand and respect these realms and to balance their forces in harmony.

Tenets of Faith

  • Strength: both physical and mental, as a way to overcome challenges and protect the weak. They train their body and mind regularly and seek to improve themselves. They also help others in need and stand up against injustice and oppression. They do not fear pain or death but face them with courage and dignity. They do not abuse their strength but use it wisely and responsibly. They consider weakness, cowardice, and cruelty as sins, strength, courage, and kindness as pious acts.
  • Wisdom: both practical and spiritual, as a way to learn from the past and plan for the future. They study the world's history and lore and seek to understand its mysteries and secrets. They also meditate and pray regularly and desire to connect with the divine and cosmic. They do not act rashly or blindly but think carefully and rationally. They do not ignore or reject the truth but accept and embrace it. They consider ignorance, folly, arrogance, sins, wisdom, learning, and humility pious acts.
  • Loyalty: personal and communal, as a way to honor one's family and friends and support one's society and allies. They love and respect their kin and companions and seek to make them happy and proud. They also cooperate and collaborate with their community and partners, striving to make them prosperous and peaceful. They do not betray or abandon their loved ones but defend and stand by them. They do not harm or exploit their neighbors but help and trade with them. They consider treachery, disloyalty, selfishness, sins, loyalty, fidelity, and generosity pious acts.
  • Honesty: both internal and external, as a way to be true to oneself and others and avoid deception and corruption. They are sincere, authentic, and seek to express their thoughts and feelings openly and respectfully. They are also truthful and trustworthy, striving to keep their promises and honor their contracts. They do not lie or cheat but tell the truth and play fair. They do not conceal or manipulate but reveal and share. They consider dishonesty, fraud, and hypocrisy sins and honesty, integrity, and sincerity pious acts.
  • Prosperity: material and moral, as a way to enjoy the fruits of one's labor, share them with those in need, and cultivate virtue and happiness. They work hard and diligently and seek to produce and create quality goods and services. They also give and receive generously, aiming to distribute and exchange pretty and equitably. They do not waste or hoard but use and save. They do not envy or covet but appreciate and admire. They consider poverty, greed, gluttony, sins, prosperity, charity, and pious acts.
  • History: both factual and mythical, as a way to preserve the legacy of one's ancestors and heroes and to inspire the next generation. They remember and honor their forefathers and their champions and seek to emulate their deeds and virtues. They also record and narrate their stories and legends and strive to pass them on to their children and successors. They do not forget or dishonor their past but cherish and respect it. They do not distort or falsify their history but preserve and transmit it. They consider amnesia, disrespect, and plagiarism as sins, history, and honor and originality as pious acts.
  • Hunting: both literal and figurative, as a way to provide food and resources for one's community and to pursue one's goals and passions. They hunt and gather nature's bounty and seek to use it wisely and sustainably. They also hunt and chase their dreams and ambitions and desire to achieve them successfully and ethically. They do not kill or harm unnecessarily but respect and conserve. They do not give up or settle but persist and excel. They consider wastefulness, cruelty, and laziness as sins, hunting, respect, and diligence as pious acts.
  • Trade: economic and cultural, as a way to exchange goods and services with other groups and foster cooperation and understanding. They trade and barter their products and skills and seek to benefit and satisfy both parties. They also deal with and share their ideas, values, and desire to learn and appreciate each other. They do not cheat or steal but negotiate and agree. They do not isolate or antagonize but communicate and collaborate. They consider theft, fraud, and hostility as sins, trade, fairness, and friendship pious acts.
  • Health: both physical and mental, as a way to maintain one's well-being and vitality and to heal oneself and others from wounds and illnesses. They care for their body and mind and seek to keep them fit and sound. They also care for their fellow beings and aim to cure and comfort them. They do not neglect or abuse themselves but nourish and protect. They do not harm or infect others but heal and support. They consider sickness, injury, violence, sins, health, healing, and peace pious acts.



Luminari’s followers pray to their gods regularly, usually at dawn, noon, and dusk, when the sun, the earth, and the stars are most visible. They also pray before and after significant events, such as meals, journeys, battles, and ceremonies. They pray to thank their gods for their blessings, to ask for their guidance and protection, and to confess their sins and seek their forgiveness. They usually pray in their own words but use standard phrases and formulas, such as “May the light, the life, and the enlightenment of Luminari be with you.”


Luminari’s followers meditate to connect with their gods and themselves and achieve peace and clarity. They meditate by focusing on their breathing, their heartbeat, or their thoughts and by visualizing the symbol of Luminari, the winged sun with a bow, arrow, and fist in the center. They meditate in a quiet and comfortable place, usually in their homes, but sometimes in unique areas, such as temples, shrines, or natural sites. They meditate for as long as needed, but usually for at least 15 minutes daily.


Luminari’s followers offer their gods gifts and sacrifices to show their gratitude and devotion and request their favor and assistance. They offer their gods valuable and meaningful things, such as food, drink, money, art, or personal items. They also provide their gods things related to their domains, such as flowers, fruits, grains, or animals for Erastil; candles, incense, oil, or spices for Sarenrae; books, scrolls, gems, or maps for Irori. They offer their gods in their homes, temples, or unique places, such as altars, statues, or natural sites. They offer their gods whenever needed, but usually on special occasions like festivals, holidays, or birthdays.


Luminari’s followers celebrate their gods and faith to express their joy and happiness and share their culture and traditions. They celebrate their gods by singing, dancing, playing music, telling stories, or performing rituals. They also celebrate their faith by gathering with their family, friends, and community and enjoying food, drink, and entertainment. They celebrate their gods and their faith in their homes, temples, or public places, such as squares, parks, or theaters. They celebrate their gods and faith whenever they feel the mood, but usually on special days, such as the solstices, the equinoxes, or the new moons.


The priesthood of Luminari is composed of people who dedicate their lives to serving the three good gods and guiding their followers. They are appointed by their peers based on their merits and abilities. Their attire and symbols distinguish them from the rest of the flock. They wear robes of white, gold, and blue, the colors of the sun, the earth, and the stars. They also wear a pendant with the symbol of Luminari, the winged sun with a bow, arrow, and fist in the center. They also carry a staff, a book, and a lantern, representing their roles as leaders, teachers, and healers. The priesthood of Luminari is divided into three orders, each dedicated to one of the three good gods.
  • The Order of the Sun is devoted to Sarenrae, and they focus on healing, redemption, and honesty. They are the healers, the diplomats, and the crusaders of Luminari.
  • The Order of the Earth is devoted to Erastil, and they focus on strength, loyalty, and prosperity. They are the farmers, the hunters, and the tradesmen of Luminari.
  • The Order of the Stars is devoted to Irori, and they focus on wisdom, history, and enlightenment. They are the monks, the scholars, and the ascetics of Luminari. The three orders work harmoniously and respect each other’s roles and contributions.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Luminari’s followers tend to be influential and respected members of their societies, often holding leadership and authority positions. They also tend to form alliances and partnerships with other groups that share their vision and goals, and they seek to expand their influence and reach. However, Luminari’s followers also face challenges and conflicts from other groups that oppose or rival them and have to deal with political intrigue and manipulation. They also have to balance their loyalty to their religion and their loyalty to their organization, and they have to navigate the complex and dynamic political landscape of the world.


The Order of the Sun

The Order of the Sun is devoted to Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun. They are the healers, the diplomats, and the crusaders of Luminari. They wear white and gold robes and carry a pendant with a winged sun. They also have a staff, a book, and a lantern. Their staff is used as a weapon and a tool, usually adorned with a sun-shaped ornament. Their book contains the teachings and prayers of Sarenrae, traditionally written in a golden script. Their lantern is used as a source of light and a symbol of hope, usually filled with sacred oil. The Order of the Sun has three primary duties: to heal the sick and the wounded, to negotiate peace and justice, and to fight evil and darkness. They are skilled in medicine, diplomacy, and combat and use their abilities to serve their goddess and their people. They are compassionate, merciful, and honest, and they seek to spread the light and the warmth of Sarenrae.

The Order of the Earth

The Order of the Earth is devoted to Erastil, the community god. They are the farmers, the hunters, and the tradesmen of Luminari. They wear green and brown robes and carry a pendant with a bow and arrow. They also have a staff, a book, and a lantern. Their staff is used as a weapon and a tool, usually adorned with a horn-shaped ornament. Their book contains the teachings and prayers of Erastil, traditionally written in green script. Their lantern is a light source and a symbol of life, usually filled with natural oil. The Order of the Earth has three primary duties: providing food and resources for their community, hunting and protecting their land and animals, and trading and exchanging with other groups. They are skilled in agriculture, hunting, and commerce and use their abilities to serve their god and their people. They are strong, loyal, and prosperous, and they seek to cultivate the life and the nature of Erastil.

The Order of the Stars

The Order of the Stars is devoted to Irori, the god of knowledge. They are the monks, the scholars, and the ascetics of Luminari. They wear blue and silver robes and carry a pendant with a fist. They also have a staff, a book, and a lantern. Their staff is used as a weapon and a tool, usually adorned with a star-shaped ornament. Their book contains the teachings and the prayers of Irori, and it is generally written in a silver script. Their lantern is a light source and symbol of enlightenment, usually filled with rare oil. The Order of the Stars has three primary duties: to study the world's history and lore, to seek the secrets and mysteries of the cosmos, and to master their body and mind. They are skilled in knowledge, exploration, and discipline and use their abilities to serve their god and their people. They are wise, learned, and humble, seeking to attain Irori's wisdom and enlightenment.

Light, Life, Enlightenment.

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Starlight Faith, The Threefold Path, The Threefold Alliance
Leader Title
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