Fauh'Woon Khan (Fow-Woon Kon)

Empress, The Eternal Hunter Fauh'Woon Khan- Iminha

Biological parent of Makara Takanashi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fauh’Woon has a strong and healthy physique, with muscles and scars that show her experience and endurance. She is in excellent physical condition, trains constantly, and follows a strict diet. She has a high tolerance for pain and injury, as she has faced many dangers and hardships. She has a long lifespan, as she is an Eläin in addition to being blessed by Pharasma, the goddess of death and fate.

Body Features

Fauh’Woon has a mix of Human and goat-like animal features. She has a dark and cool skin tone, hair color, eye color, fur color, and clothing color. She has long, curling goat horns. She has a skull tattoo on her chest, which symbolizes her devotion to Pharasma. She wears a metal collar around her neck, which she wears as a sign of obedience and loyalty.

Facial Features

Fauh’Woon has a severe and stern face, a large and hooked nose, a thin and firm mouth, flat and blunt teeth, a short and rigid tongue, a prominent and square chin, and a sturdy neck. She has a cold and distant expression, as she rarely shows any emotion. She has a fierce and determined expression, as she often glares at her enemies. She has a respectful and faithful expression, as she sometimes smiles and nods at her allies.

Identifying Characteristics

Fauh’Woon has some distinctive features that make her stand out and recognizable. She has a piercing on her left ear, which she wears as a mark of her rank and status. She has a ring on her right hand, which she wears as a gift from her husband, Fang Khan, the king of the Eläin. She has a necklace with a scale pendant, which she wears as a reminder of her duty and mission.

Physical quirks

Fauh’Woon has some habits and mannerisms that reflect her personality and mood. She sniffs the air, which shows her curiosity and alertness. She licks her lips, which shows her hunger and thirst. She shakes her head, which shows her annoyance and frustration. She folds her arms, which shows her confidence and authority.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Who are you?

Fauh'Woon Iminha. I am an eternal hunter. Death, Repose, Healing, and Knowledge. Concepts I hold True.


What is your purpose?

To carry out what is needed in Pharasma's name. Souls must find deliverance. I am here to guide them to the river of souls.


Do you feel?

Due to lack of clarity, I will respond to the inquiry with the presumption you are referring to senses. Yes, I have functionality of a typical Human: Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste, Smell are all bestowed upon me.


Do you love?

Your lack of clarity with these questions makes responding difficult. I have no desires other than fulfilling my purpose and completing the objective. I favor nothing beyond the best plan of action. Emotion is a defect that causes too many issues.


What is a God?

In this world, there are the faithful and then there are the actors, those whose devotion extends beyond musing over texts and morning prayer, those who are blessed.   For most though, it is simply a coping mechanism created to give individuals purpose and lessen the psychological effects of existential dread and their own mortality. It is believed that a God created the world and is a benevolent Providence and there is a moral order in the universe and an after-life. This information, however, is concerning as it is the very striking fact that all this is exactly as they are bound to wish it to be; although, this too is a logical fallacy dealt with since conception. If you suggest that individuals only believe because they want it to be true, then the counter-claim is that atheists are only non-believers because they don’t want it to be true. The true underlying desire of humans is to face nothingness after death—the solace that for all betrayals, greed, cowardice, murders, there will be no judgment. I am here to make sure those detractors learn the truth.


Fauh’Woon received a comprehensive and rigorous education from the priests of Pharasma, the goddess of death and fate. She learned how to read and write various languages, perform rituals and ceremonies, interpret prophecies and omens, heal and harm, and hunt and kill. She excelled in her studies and became a respected and feared hunter of the undead and the enemies of Pharasma.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Fauh’Woon achieved many feats and honors in her life as a hunter and empress. Fauh’Woon became a hunter of the undead, a sacred and dangerous duty of the followers of Pharasma. She hunted down and destroyed many undead creatures, such as vampires, zombies, liches, and wraiths. She also hunted down and eliminated many enemies of Pharasma, such as cultists, heretics, and necromancers. Fauh’Woon earned the title of the Eternal Hunter and the respect and fear of many. Fauh’Woon also became an empress by marrying Fang Khan, the emperor of the Eläin. She ruled the clan with wisdom and justice, expanding its territory and influence and protecting its laws and customs. She also gave birth to a daughter, Makara, who inherited many of her talents and eventually the empire.

Failures & Embarrassments

Fauh’Woon also faced many failures and embarrassments in her life, both as a hunter and empress. Fauh’Woon failed to prevent the escape of Urgathoa, the first undead, from the Boneyard, the realm of Pharasma. Urgathoa brought disease and the undead to the world and became the enemy of Pharasma and her followers. Fauh’Woon was ashamed and enraged by this and vowed to hunt down and destroy Urgathoa and her followers. Fauh’Woon also failed to protect her daughter, Makara, from the influence of a dark god, who lured her into a cult and corrupted her mind and soul. Makara became a free agent for the Count of Six, a mysterious and evil organization that opposed Pharasma and her followers. Fauh’Woon was heartbroken and furious by this and vowed to find and redeem or kill Makara and her allies.

Mental Trauma

Fauh’Woon suffered tremendous mental trauma when she witnessed the escape of Urgathoa, the first undead, from the Boneyard, the realm of Pharasma. She blamed herself for failing to prevent this catastrophe and felt deeply ashamed and guilty. She also developed an intense hatred and fear of the undead and their creators and vowed to hunt them down and destroy them. She became obsessed with her duty and mission and neglected her personal life and relationships. She also became more cold and distant and lost her sense of joy and wonder.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fauh’Woon was a brilliant and knowledgeable person with a keen interest in and curiosity in various subjects. She was well-versed in languages and history, could speak and write ancient and modern tongues, and knew the secrets and events of the past and the future. She was also skilled in magic and martial arts and could manipulate time and space and fight with stealth and skill. She was a logical and rational thinker who valued facts and evidence over emotions and opinions. She was also a strategic and tactical planner who could devise and execute plans and strategies.

Morality & Philosophy

Fauh’Woon was a devout and loyal follower of Pharasma, the goddess of death and fate. She believed that death was the natural and inevitable end of all living things and that souls should be judged and sent to their proper afterlife according to their alignment and deeds. She also believed that fate was the predetermined and unchangeable course of events and that prophecy was the revelation and guidance of fate. She followed the edicts and anathemas of Pharasma and respected and honored her priests and servants. She also opposed and fought against the enemies of Pharasma, especially the undead and their creators, who defied the natural order and corrupted the cycle of life and death.


Fauh’Woon had some taboos that she avoided and condemned. She considered creating undead, desecrating a corpse, or robbing a tomb as grave sins and punished them with death. She also felt interfering with fate, altering the course of events, or changing the outcome of prophecy was blasphemy and punished them with exile. She also considered lying, cheating, or betraying dishonorable and punished them with disgrace. She also thought showing weakness, fear, or doubt was shameful and punished them scornfully.



Fauh’Woon reigned as the empress of the Eläin, a race of shapeshifters who can turn into different animals1 She married Fang Khan, the king of the clan, and became his partner and advisor. She ruled the clan with wisdom and justice, expanding its territory and influence and protecting its laws and customs. She also gave birth to a daughter, Makara, who inherited her shapeshifting ability and devotion to Pharasma. Her subjects loved and respected her but were challenged and opposed by some. She faced many threats and enemies from within and without the clan.

Social Aptitude

Fauh’Woon had a high social aptitude, as she was charismatic and persuasive and could influence and manipulate others. She was diplomatic and empathetic and could negotiate and cooperate with others. She had many friends and allies, both within and outside the clan. She was also courageous and strong and could face and overcome dangers and difficulties. She had few enemies and rivals; most feared and respected her. She was adaptable and versatile and could change her appearance and form and adjust to different environments and situations.


Fauh’Woon had some mannerisms that reflected her personality and mood. She had a graceful and elegant posture, moving with confidence and poise. She had a warm and soothing voice, speaking with kindness and respect. She had a gentle and friendly gesture, often smiling and hugging her friends and family. She had a respectful and faithful attitude, bowing and praying to Pharasma and her priests.


Fang Khan

spouse (Vital)

Towards Fauh'Woon Khan



Fauh'Woon Khan

spouse (Vital)

Towards Fang Khan



Wealth & Financial state

Fauh’Woon amassed incredible wealth as the empress of the Eläin and as a hunter of the undead and the enemies of Pharasma. She earned much money and resources from taxes, tributes, and trade. She also made a lot of rewards and blessings from Pharasma and her followers. She spent her wealth improving and maintaining the clan’s infrastructure, security, and welfare. She also spent her wealth acquiring and enhancing her equipment and tools, such as weapons, armor, magic items, and prosthetics. She also donated some of her wealth to Pharasma, her temples, and other causes and charities.
Current Location
Date of Birth
1st Day of Abadius, 100 AC
Date of Death
20th Day of Pharast, 8736
100 AC 8736 AC 8636 years old
Fang Khan (spouse)
Hollow, Glowing Yellow
Flowing Blueish Purple