Shields of the Valorous Guardians


This organization is a knightly order, and thus follows the distictions of Squire, Bachelor Knight, and finally Bannaret Knight. It's leaders are the Duke Fortis Illiana and his Second in command Ferrous Starreader.


The Core beliefs of this knightly order are as follows:
  • A knight is sworn to valor
  • His/Her heart knows only virtue
  • His/Her blade defends the helpless
  • His/Her might upholds the weak
  • His/Her word speaks only truth
  • His/Her wrath undoes the wicked
  However, despite the strict wording of this order, there is a commonly upheld belief that words writ upon stone are unliving, and can't change to meet the situation; whilst a man is living, and therefore always changing. Thus allowing an understanding to be reached for when a creature's nature might be wicked, but a creatures themself is not necessary wicked.   This continues, such that one who fails or falters, so long as they repent and be willing, might find forgiveness within himself and his peers, so long as he once against charge to the front lines and hold his shield high up with his peers.   As such, there is almost a brotherly nature within this order, with a clear feeling of affection and compassion held between fellows, though such a feeling is often platonic and is merely an expression of the boundless fearless nature of each member of this order and their ability to raise one another up.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of this organization is to uphold valorous traits and as such, each knight errant of it's order often works as an adventurer, to both understand the urges of his fellows, and the needs of the public. Allowing them to train and improve themselves.


The Wishborne hold is the primary asset of this organization, however a stockpile of rare mainland materials acquired throughout their lifetime gives them a strong financial footing with which they've been improving the lands within their holding as lasting investments.


The Shields of the Valorous Guaridans is a relatively new organization, founded only recently and thus has limited fame or recognition within the public sphere, their recent most actions have been a series of cleansings within their own holdings to resolve issues with monster attacks. This still formative stage for the organization means that whilst their leaders both share in grand acclaim, the individual fame of members from this order is still limited.

A knight is sworn to valor, an oath upheld to all in need of protection.

Training Level
Veterancy Level
A Shield
Controlled Territories