The Forbidden Isle of Sólgard

The Forbidden Isle of Sólgard is a land bathed in perpetual sunlight, a fortress of blazing heat and radiant cliffs. Its central peak, known as the Sunspire, towers above the island, and its intricate cave systems are a labyrinth of heat and light.


Central Peak: The Sunspire
The Sunspire is the highest point on Sólgard, a towering mountain that seems to touch the sky. The peak is composed of gleaming, golden rock that reflects the sun's rays, creating a dazzling spectacle visible from miles away. The Sunspire is sacred to the ancient fire spirits that inhabit the island, and it is said to house the Heart of the Sun, a legendary creature of immense power.  
Cave Systems
Beneath the Sunspire lies a network of extensive cave systems, glowing with an ethereal light. These caves are lined with luminous crystals and veins of rare minerals that absorb and emit sunlight. The temperatures inside the caves are extremely high, and steam vents release bursts of hot air, making navigation treacherous. These caves are home to various fire-dwelling creatures and ancient spirits that guard the secrets of the island.


Sólgard's ecosystem is uniquely adapted to its intense climate. The island experiences little variation in temperature, remaining hot and dry throughout the year. Rain is scarce, and the sun never sets, resulting in a harsh environment that only the hardiest of flora and fauna can survive.

Localized Phenomena

Sunstorms: Intense bursts of solar energy that sweep across the island, causing temporary spikes in temperature and blinding light. These phenomena are both awe-inspiring and dangerous, as they can scorch the land and any unprotected creatures caught in their path.
Solar Flares: Eruptions of light and heat that occur sporadically from the Sunspire. These flares are believed to be manifestations of the island's fire spirits and can cause localized wildfires.
Mirage Plains: Areas where the intense heat creates shimmering mirages, distorting the landscape and making navigation difficult.


Solar Drakes: Small, dragon-like creatures that bask in the sun's rays. Their scales are highly reflective, making them appear to glow in the sunlight.
Fire Hawks: Birds of prey with feathers that shimmer like flames. They are expert hunters, capable of withstanding the island's extreme heat.
Lava Lizards: Reptiles that dwell in the island's caves and crevices. They have tough, heat-resistant scales and can withstand the high temperatures of the caves.
Sunblossom: A vibrant flower that blooms in the intense sunlight. Its petals are golden and have medicinal properties that can heal burns and wounds.
Fire Fern: A hardy plant with flame-colored fronds that thrive in the arid, rocky soil. It absorbs sunlight and stores it as energy, providing a source of nourishment for the island's fauna.
Sunroot: A deep-rooted plant that draws nutrients from the mineral-rich soil. Its roots are used by the island's inhabitants for their restorative properties.

Natural Resources

Sun Crystals: Luminous crystals found in the island's caves, used in magical and alchemical practices for their ability to store and emit light.
Gold Veins: Rich deposits of gold run through the Sunspire, making Sólgard a target for those seeking wealth and power.
Solarstone: A rare mineral found deep within the island's caves. It absorbs and radiates heat, making it a valuable resource for crafting heat-resistant equipment and weapons.


The Tale of Sun Adherent K'in and the Cult of the Sun

The Arrival and Desperation
Surrounded by magical storms that purge those not carrying the blessing of the Isle of Sólgard, the Forbidden Isle is a treacherous destination for any who dare approach. Ships are often wrecked upon its shores, driven to despair by the scarcity of resources and the harsh, unrelenting sun. The biggest torment for these unfortunate souls is the dire lack of fresh water, a necessity that drives many to the brink of madness.  
The Mutiny and Rise of Sun Adherent K'in
Amidst such desperation, First Mate Kartridge Inkle led a mutiny against his captain. In a macabre ritual, he drained the captain's blood to slake the thirst of his fellow mutineers, initiating them into a dark and twisted cult. Renaming himself "Sun Adherent K'in," Kartridge embraced occultism, believing that only by unlocking the island's ancient secrets could they survive and thrive.
  Sun Adherent K'in and his followers entrenched themselves in the caves beneath the Sunspire, conducting dark rituals and offering blood sacrifices in hopes of gaining favor with the island's fire spirits. They sought to unlock the shrine at the heart of the island, believing it held the key to controlling the island's power and securing their salvation.  
The Cult's Demise
For several years, K'in and his cult terrorized the island, subsisting on the scarce resources and turning to cannibalism to survive. The island's magical storms and the lack of water made their existence a living hell, driving them further into madness and desperation.
  Their reign of terror came to an end when a group of adventurers from a foreign land discovered the cult. These adventurers, driven by their own quest for glory and riches, engaged the cult in a fierce battle. After a brutal confrontation, they managed to slay Sun Adherent K'in and his followers, putting an end to their dark rituals.
  The adventurers, having staked their claim upon the Isle of Sólgard, brought a semblance of order to the land. They explored the island, uncovering its secrets and harnessing its resources, thus ending the cult's tragic and horrific chapter in Sólgard's history.
The tale of Sun Adherent K'in and his cult remains a dark legend on the Isle of Sólgard. It serves as a grim reminder of the island's unforgiving nature and the lengths to which desperation can drive people. The shrine at the heart of the island remains a place of mystery and power, guarded by the spirits of those who perished seeking its secrets.
Alternative Name(s)
The Forbidden Island of the Sun