The World's End Archipeligo

The World's End Archipelago, a mysterious and treacherous expanse in the western seas of Astralaria, is home to a series of forbidden islands, each imbued with unique and formidable powers. These islands, shrouded in legend and peril, are known collectively as the Forbidden Isles. They serve as both a warning and a testament to the untamed forces of nature and magic that govern this world.   Geographically, whilst the starmaps and ocean currents would suggest that they belong to the western sea, these islands by their material age and makeup clearly have been transported from where they once belonged. Strangely enough, the same rock and stone of the isle of Sólgard appears to be of similar makeup to Arcani, suggesting it once originated from this same set of islands, despite being discovered in the Shimmering sea.  

The Forbidden Isles

The Forbidden Isle of Sólgard

Sólgard, the southernmost of the Forbidden Isles, is a blazing fortress dedicated to the sun. Its golden sands and radiant cliffs are bathed in perpetual sunlight, making it a place of intense heat and blinding light. The island is said to be the home of ancient fire spirits and sun deities, guarding secrets of immense solar power. The very air shimmers with heat, and the ground scorches those who dare to tread upon it without protection.  

The Forbidden Isle of Élheim

Élheim, situated to the west, is a tempestuous land where storms rage eternally. Dark clouds swirl overhead, unleashing relentless thunder, lightning, and torrential rain. This island is the domain of storm gods and tempest spirits, and its landscape is shaped by the ceaseless fury of the elements. Jagged cliffs and windswept plains dominate Élheim, making it a treacherous place for any who venture near.  

The Forbidden Isle of Niflheim

Niflheim, the northern island, is a realm of eternal frost and deathly cold. Blanketed in ice and snow, this island is home to ancient dead. The air is frigid, and the ground is frozen solid, creating a harsh and unforgiving environment. Niflheim is a place where the living are not welcome, and the undead restless walk amidst the ice and shadows.  

The Forbidden Isle of Jörðgard

Jörðgard, to the east, is a fortress of stone and earth. This island is a bastion of elemental earth powers, with towering mountains, deep caverns, and dense forests. It is inhabited by ancient earth spirits and creatures of stone, who guard the secrets of the earth's strength and stability. The island's rugged terrain is both a natural barrier and a source of immense power for those who can harness it.  

The Forbidden Isle of Endirisle

Endirisle, the central island, is a place of enigmatic and ominous significance. It is said to be the point where the world ends, a circular island that marks the boundary between the known world and the unknown. Mystical energies and ancient wards protect this island, and it is rumored to be the gateway to other realms or dimensions. Endirisle is a place of profound mystery, where the fabric of reality itself is thin and uncertain.  

The Lost Isles


Undiscovered / No Notes  


Undiscovered / No Notes  


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Undiscovered / No Notes  


Undiscovered / No Notes  


Undiscovered / No Notes
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