The Slaver's Temple

Discovery, Exploration


in trading memories with the dragon, De'nethorr familiarizes himself with the location of an ancient temple belonging to a god of chains and slavers. With his hatred alight, he forms a party and attempts to destroy it, only to discover the memory of wickedness remains deeply embedded into the site.

Covered by rock and stone, this hidden temple's halls have captured and enslaved many wandering creature's over time. Chains, physical and metaphysical are found presently throughout most of the construction, and remaining too long in this place is an assured way to steadily lose one's mind.   Infested with moss, the only non-hostile creatures in fact are a strange clan of vegepygmys, who - upon encountering the adventurers engage them with moderate amounts of awe, and equal amounts of terror, as De'nethorr's radiant sun threatens to burn their homes to the ground.   Diplomacy and kindess, however alleviate such fears as they quickly learn that the newcomers are relatively harmless and engage in interesting behavior with them, attempting to guide them throughout the many creatures within the temple.   Amongst the spiders, and other monsters -it's clear that this temple has long since been raided many times over, and has left slim pickings save for the nightmarish haunts that still remain, and the cruelty, seeped so deeply that even chains have gained elemental life and sought to bind down the adventurers that explored it.   One area however, remaind the least touched by nature, or encroached upon by anything else, and that would be the center hall. Filled with countless corpses of ritual sacrifice, the main alter consisted of simple, bloodsoaked stone - and an engraving of a five pointed star of chains.   Yet, something rested atop the altar, a crystal of radiant energy. One that seemed to draw upon the psychic imprints within the area, and give them form, ultimately giving form to some creature - made of chains, and incredibly powerful.   Later identifying the creature to be representative of the chained god, Tharizdun; the party was immediately caught up into the remembered servants of this god, and the dangerous methods of which he tore at them. Pressuring Cassandra into patrolling around the battlefield in desperate attempts to block the dangerous strikes.   De'nethorr's light would allow no evil to take root around his allies, and neither would Irene - as her whip would strike the servants down into the sacrifical pits in an expression of tasteful irony.   Anise and Marrok would in tandem strike at the chained lord, yet he seemed unstoppable in face of their blows. At least until the moment where Anise drew upon a great power to draw upon an entity who'd line up in opposition of the chained lord.   Through, freedom - creation, and in creation, the invocation of such a primal creature and power empowered those present, multiplying Marrok's lances in every strike, whilst empowering the magical spells invoked by De'nethorr, such that his own light struck the core of the chained god.   Weakened, assaulted, and ennervated, the collective assault, reduced the god to a lesser form, one which would - in irony, find it's core directly bound by a eldritch chain connected between himself and De'nethorr.   With a smile, the son of heaven, would simply tug upon the arcane chain and through the invocation of the stars themselves would shatter the psychic frame of the god. Leaving vulnerable the crystal which lay behind barriers - still on the altar.   Creatively, Marrok attempted his destroyer's duty in order to purge the construct, only to find it protected by many barriers which blocked his assault. Yet, he was not alone. with De'nethorr pulling out the keychain he had received from the dragon, he "unlocked" the barriers and freed the crystal, before hurriedly stepping away from it, to leave it to Marrok's tender affections. Destroying it and revealing the center of the crystal - a wrought iron key unleashing a powerful aura.   To he whom had brought them, the key would end up in De'nethorr's possession. Yet, the knowledge they had obtained, at least from Tess's research was invaluable. For she learned of something strange. For it seemed to her, that godly powers could seemingly bound, and by enacting an opposing concept from one to another, it would alter the flow of power within an area.   This theory simply drawn from observing that "by enchaining an object meant to free things, such as a key, the emenation of the chained god had siphoned power from an artifact that should oppose him."   The second observation she made was that the historical energy of the place appeared to have been constantly "excited", resulting in the remnant power and presence of the creatures there. However, the excitement appeared to be purely to siphon energy from the site as a form of "worship" and "prayer." Something her intuition told her the saltieunni were ultimately behind.